“The House always wins”, Lok Pal or no

via K Vijayan published on June 19, 2011

So we are stuck on the issue of whether or not to include PM, the Judiciary, and some other unmentionable Top Dogs and Holy Cows within the LP Ambit. A Binary Route is being suggested where two sets of Clauses may be put up to the Parliament, The State Legislatures, for a True/False, Go/Nogo, Yes/No Vote to ensure Democratic, Consensual, Correct solution to the impasse.

May India continue to be Incredible.

And it took Sonia Gandi to chair her Top Brass and presumably the NAC as well, to plunk for “building a political consensus” with Tear Gas, Lathi-charge, and maiming exercises aimed at anyone who may be labelled as Civil Society, Fasting Society or Hindu / Yoga Terrorists.

We are now getting Cold Feet (Terminal Neuritis?) on this Lok Pal thing.

Will we perpetuate the Role of the Hidden Hand, since even with all the brouhahah and Faster and Fasters there is no Taking of The Name in all the Consensual Circles?

As we say in gaming quam/samaj, which has now come to mean Cricketting Fraternity, The House always wins, and the Punter seldom.

And we would also remind punters of the Polly Adler book “A house is not a home”.

Not the Indian Parliament (both Houses) anyway.

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