The ‘honour’ and ‘grace’ of Indian secularism!

via HARAN B R published on September 2, 2008

‘Secularism’ in Indian parlance is farcically unique. ‘Secularism’ is synonymous with ‘anti-Hinduism’ in India, that is Barath, which comprises 85% Hindus and 15% others. In this Hindu Barath at present, the most influential section is the ‘Secular Brigade’, which comprises of almost all political parties (except BJP), all media houses, both print and electronic (except a very few) and most of all intellectuals and artists (again with an exception of very few). For this secular brigade, any heinous attack perpetrated on Hindu majority must either be ignored or be treated as a normal affair, but even a miniscule crime against the minorities (Muslims and Christians) must be considered as a monstrous attack committed by the majority. Secularism and human rights have no place wherever Hindus are victims. 


This ridiculous procedure, which has been under practice since the time of independence and to some extent even before that, has resulted in the Hindu majority being treated as ‘secondary’ citizens and the Muslim and Christian minority getting all priorities. The non-stop pandering by the secular brigade has emboldened the minority communities to unleash all types of terror against the majority community. The secular brigade has been helping this by creating caste wise divisions among the Hindus and preventing their unity.


In the recent political and communal scenario, the Amarnath and Khandhamal issues have yet again established the typical behaviour of the Indian ‘secular brigade’, which ignored the oppression and sufferings of the Hindus with utmost contempt, while projecting the perpetrators, Muslims in Kashmir and Christians in Orissa, as victims. The Amarnath imbroglio has hopefully come to an end, but not before the Hindu majority was made to sacrifice lives, limbs, properties, health, wealth and education, just for a paltry allotment of 100 acres of land, that too only for three months to facilitate their most strenuous and sacred pilgrimage, which has been undertaken for centuries. The government, which has been yielding to the whims and fancy of Kashmiri separatist militant forces and Muslim political parties, has once again exhibited its impotency by doing nothing against those anti-national elements, which trampled upon and burnt our National Flag, hoisted the enemy country Pakistan’s flag claiming themselves as Pakistanis by openly owing their allegiance to it.  The ‘secular brigade’ including the government has brought ‘disgrace’ by denigrating the patriotic Hindus as ‘communal’ forces and by dancing to the ‘azadi tunes’ of minority separatist forces. This clumsiness was never considered as ‘shame’, but the democratic protests of Hindus were condemned as ‘disgrace’.


Let us consider two important political personalities, who have showcased their ‘secular’ credentials with regards to the communal unrest in Orissa. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and former Tamil NaduChief Minister Jayalalitha have called the attacks on Christians in Orissa as ‘national shame’ and ‘disgrace’. Both of them have ignored the reprehensible murder of Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswathi and his four disciples by Christian terrorists, without even uttering a single word of condemnation or condolence. This has added insult to the injury of the Hindus, who have been deeply hurt by the continuous onslaught of the ‘secular’ media day in and day out.


Manmohan’s remark came when a delegation of Christian leaders visited him in the aftermath of the retaliatory attack on Churches, and, close on the heels of the impudent statement made by Pope Benedict and the audacious action of the Italian government in summoning the Indian Ambassador to register its protest against the retaliatory attacks on Churches. The arrogant interference of Vatican and Italy and the ‘secularly’ important statement of Manmohan Singh gain significance in the obvious realisation that the Indian government is under the direct control of Italian born Sonia.


As Manmohan has called the attack on Churches a ‘national shame’, it becomes imperative to list his own acts and statements to arrive at a conclusion if they have really brought ‘honour’ to India. He lost his sleep on seeing the plight of the families of terrorists and terror suspects; he never lost sleep on seeing thousands of innocent people losing their lives because of terror attacks on Indian soil; he asserted that the Muslims have the first and rightful claim on all the resources of India; his government honoured the Australian evangelist Glady Staines by giving ‘Padmashri’ award for her heavy harvest of souls in Orissa; he blamed Hindus for the Malegon blasts; his government has compassionately and indefinitely postponed the hanging of parliament attack mastermind Afzal Guru despite the Supreme Court‘s final verdict; his government facilitated the escape of the Italian fugitive Quattrocchi and the latest being his stoic silence over the brutal murder of Swami Lakshmanananda in Orissa. All these and many more actions, in the endless list, of Manmohan Singh have been so ‘honourable’ that the people of India are basking in glory with pride!   


Similarly, the statement of Jayalalitha, that the attacks on Christians in Orissa were a ‘disgrace’ to the nation, induces for an analysis of her own ‘graceful’ acts. Though a plethora of her ‘honourable’ deeds are available, it would be sufficed to mention just two of them, which have a sort of connection with the Christian community. First, she repealed the anti-conversion law, enacted by her own government, to appease the Christian community and secondly, she went to the extent of denigrating and destroying the sanctity of 2500 years old Institution established by Sage Adi Sankara and flawlessly maintained by his order of disciples as ‘Jagath Gurus’ for millions of Hindus. Incidentally and ironically in October 2004, she got the ‘Golden Star for Dignity and Honour’ (Thanga Tharakai) award from a Ukraine based Christian organisation named ‘International Human Rights Defence Committee’ controlled by America and funded by ‘US Agency for International Development’ (USAID). The Indian representative for IHRDC was Mallavarappu Prakash, who happened to be the Bishop of Vijayawada and was later made as Chairman of Tamil Nadu Minorities Welfare Commission! In February 2005, the ‘India International Society’, USA, proposed a tribute for her together with ‘Barath Jyothi’ award after which evangelist K A Paul came to Tamil Nadu in a private jet to give thousands of crores for Tsunami relief. So, it is quite natural on her part to call the attacks on Churches as ‘disgrace’. It should not be forgotten that, even while supporting the cause of ‘Rama Sethu’ she exhibited her ‘secular’ credentials by pointing out that ‘Adams Bridge’ was significant to Muslims and Christians as well.


Disowning Bhagwan Rama, questioning his historicity and calling him drunkard; attempting to usurp the five hills from ‘Bhagwan Venkateshwara’ for purely evangelisation purposes; fighting with ‘secular’ passion and spirit at parliament and courts for revoking the ban on the terrorist organisation SIMI; serving the cause of artistic freedom and creativity by supporting the habitual offender M F Hussain and by closing the exhibition of paintings on Aurangazeb and his barbaric regime; ignoring the pathetic plight of Hindus in Pakitan, Bangladesh and Malaysia are some of the ‘graceful’ deeds, performed by the ‘secular brigade’ in India, which brought immense ‘honour’ to our country.    


A general look at the original history of this great Hindu nation will highlight the fact that it has been Hindus, who have been ‘graceful’ to the ‘outsiders’ and on the other hand, it has been the outsiders, who have ‘disgraced’ this nation. The ‘revealed’ religions have been ‘gracefully’ allowed to establish and grow here by the Dharmic Hindus, who respected the cultural and religious traditions of the outsiders and treated them with honour, love and affection.  But how did the outsiders pay back the Hindus? Persecution, land-grabs, slavery, oppression, proselytisation, terror and what not!


The Christians have been calling the pantheon of Hindu Gods and Goddesses all sorts of names and ridiculing the Hindu religious customs and rituals, but brazenly adopted the very same culture to promote their faith through the strategy of ‘inculturation’. Has inculturation brought honour or shame? The terror elements in Muslim community have been consistently perpetrating terror attacks killing thousands of innocents in the name of their God, religion and scriptures. The so-called moderates among them have never opened their mouth condemning the terror attacks. Have these terror acts brought honour or disgrace? Has the silence of the ‘moderates’ brought shame or honour?


Both the religionists have been abusing the Constitution with regards to freedom of religion by indulging in converting the poor and gullible after grabbing the lands for planting mosques and churches. They have been strategically grabbing lands in those areas where there are only Hindus and plant churches and mosques there, many times close to the Hindu temples, with a sole aim of propagating their religion to achieve their objective of conversion. What is the need for propagation, when practicing is allowed with legal sanction? What is the necessity of propagating in an area where there are only Hindus? Have land grab, propagation and conversion brought grace and honour to India?


The ‘magnanimity’ of the majority should not be taken as its weakness! This boomi is a ‘Hindu boomi’; this nation is a ‘Hindu nation’; its culture is ‘Hindu culture’; its philosophy is ‘Hindutva’, that is ‘Sanatana Dharma’; its people are ‘Hindus’ irrespective of caste, colour or creed; the Christians and Muslims of this boomi have a ‘Hindu ancestry’. They must respect their ancestors and that can be achieved only by coexisting peacefully with the Hindu majority. For ensuring that achievement, they must stop with practicing their religions and they must not interfere in the day-to-day activities of Hindus unnecessarily in the name of propagation, for propagation will ultimately culminate in conversion, which will lead to the damage of peace and harmony.


The ‘secular brigade’ must change its attitude and understand that even ‘tolerance’ has its limits and when it goes beyond the limits, consequences will be devastating. The minorities must also realise the importance of co-existence and must not yield to the nefarious designs of the ‘secular brigade’, so that, peace and harmony prevail.

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