The gecko has shed a tail

via K.Vijayan published on December 10, 2010

Raja has been pushed out, and his Ministry has been given to another perhaps more senior Political Lawyer. Raids have been conducted and diaries seized, and what little incriminatory evidence may remain after two or more years of pussyfooting around by Do-Nothing Singh has been taken into “safe custody”. The Gecko has shed its twitching tail and retreated into a crack in the wall to grow a fresh tail.

Business Magnates and Contractual Beneficiaries of the Scam of the Century, have unitedly started attacking each other, at least outwardly, and the Sonia Media has obviously been given the go-ahead to air all the dirty linen, with the exception of Black Italian lingerie.

Every one is watching the twitching tail in fascination.

The Parliament has been “stalled” for a month now, and the Clean Prime Minister has gone off to Belgium on his weekly visits to check on the locks of the Safe Deposit Vaults holding His Mistress’ and her Italian Family’s gold in Europe, Middle East and the Americas. Incidentally his near and dear ones’ and friends’ vaults also. Probably buys their weekly groceries too on these visits. That is what he has been nominated as PM for.

And our educated guess is that he will be the next tail to be shucked off, which may explain why he is getting so many Sharamless Good Conduct Certificates from the most unlikely quarters.

Nobody wants to lose a good, Honest, House Boy, with sound slave instincts. Uncle Tom Obama might have said “You are a better man than I am Gunga Din”, when he gave him an autograph.

But what the hell, we have a huge Cesspool of Talented, science and math educated, amoral, flexible, inculturated, sindhoor-sporting, desi cross-dressing men and women around, most of them sons of Netas too,  and replacement should be the least of Borgia’s worries.

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