The Gamey Highlights of Leaks and Plenary DAy-2

via K.Vijayan published on December 20, 2010

Things happening fast. Shapes, colours, sizes getting blurred. Is it The Lorentz Contraction? The speed of the Hand defeating the eye? Who is making it happen so fast – is it a man, is it Sonia? Is it Radia? Is it a Bird – like the mythical Chianti Bird? The Chianti (though there are other names for it too) Bird, “travelling faster and faster in ever diminishing circles, disappears up its own fundament with a sharp bang and a puff of smoke.”

Will Morgiana’s putting a Black Mark on every Saffron Door attract the Minorities to Raw Howl’s youthful Harem for Haraamis?

Sonia-jee says, not very originally, “Terror has no religion” – since that is what all our mendacious, compromising Pundits, Popes, and Futwaheads have been saying, knowing fully well that two barbaric, murderous, savage, looting, civilization-destroying Political Systems are being passed off as “Religions” and that too as “Minority Religions” in India. Pure Christian Hypocrisy, and is the Line being pushed for all its worth by our Mainstream Media which is 90% Christian and 5% Cutwa.

We thought only Ratan had become Rotten by Radiation, but forgot that Pocha means rotten too. Pocha also means “wash” as in fermenting mash of rotting cereals, fruits etc for producing hooch. We have come across Pochkhanawalas also. Minority pros, all these rotters. The latest to spill out of Radia’s upset shit tank being Jehangir Pocha, of NewsX Teevee. Immersed more fully in the stuff than the Slumdog Millionaire boy.

The first mea culpa has come out from Tarun Das, ex CII bigshot. Called Kamal Nath Mr.15%. Poor chimp could not have envisaged so Trusty an ‘interlocutor’ to Leak. Perhaps unaware that Radia is a paidhayishy Memon Muslima. Will there be a (an?) Honour Killing now? He has apologized in writing to the Red Hawk Minister, and is going on record saying “I am a fool” whereas “a rogue, and a Collaborator” would have been nearer the mark.

And Manmohan Singh, the Super Honest, unblemished Prime Minister, is nowhere on the front pages showcasing Mother & Son and their super-shining averments at the 83rd Burari Ferrari Plenarii Tournament. Is he in India, or is he on another of his Haven Visits?

In all the razzle dazzle, editorials and an-chorials still stick to touting the Soniacong Line, and poisonous anti-Indian orientation. No talk of banning the two Spectrum Companies operating for Shariatic Scoundrels, and no talk of repatriation of the Black Money held in off-shore accounts.

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