The Fishy deal

via K S V Subramanyan published on July 15, 2008

UPA-Worst government since independence

I sincerely believed the nuclear deal is in India’s favour and it needs peoples’ support. Anything in India’s favour is dear to me as an ordinary citizen irrespective of whoever brings it. I think I have gone completely wrong. There is something fishy in this deal. Why the UPA is bent upon winning the confidence vote by hook or crook to ink the deal.

(1) It is allegedly reported that the going rate for an MP is reported to be Rs.25 crores. This minority government is indulging in the worst form of horsetrading.

(2) The UPA has cosied up with the SP. Remember how they treated each other viz. unseating of Jaya Bachhan and the actions against Amitabh Bachhan etc. etc..

(3) How the UPA acted in the case of Mayavati. The Taj Corridor case was put under cold storage and now disproportionate assets case is once again brought into lime light when she has gone against Congress. Can anybody stoop so low showing bankruptcy in morality and principles.

(4) Trying to get convicted criminals (MPs) who are in jail to vote in favour of the bill. See their morality.

(5) Why they want this deal so desparately. There is something terribly fishy in the entire deal much worse than the bofors deal.

(6) If one goes through the media one can see the many allegations flying back and forth. Under the circumstances why the government desperately needs such a deal ?

It seems there is a hidden agenda behind all these. From the word go they have started implementing their agenda. From the anti-hindu actions, going soft on terrorism related matters, minority appeasement, hindu bashing, culminating in the nuclear-deal they are surely working against the interests of India at the behest of somebody whose interest lies elsewhere, surely not towards to this country. They have no time to control the sky rocketing inflation and price rise. The earlier this rag tag coalition with a spineless leader at its helm of affairs goes, the better for this country and its people.

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