The Enemy Within

published on March 28, 2011
Dr. Vijaya Rajiva

In a remarkable event at the India Today Conclave Dr. Subramania Swamy spoke honestly and forthrightly on the question of how there cannot be social harmony in the Indian subcontinent until the two proselytizing religions Christianity and Islam accept that India is a Hindu majority country with a long history of religious tolerance that was shattered with the coming of the Islamic and Christian (British) regimes. It ended with the Partition of Akhanda Bharat and the successive ethnic cleansing of Hindus from Bangladesh, Pakistan and within Indian itself, in the state of Kashmir.Nearly 500,000 Kashmiri Hindus were driven out of Kashmir merely because they were Hindus. The  Hindu population of  Bangladhesh which had been 35% is now v7 %. Likewise in Pakistan.

As Shri R.Venkatanarayanan, former Secretary to the Government of India, later former
National Secretary of the HDAS (Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha) and currently Advisor to Swami Dayananda Sarasvati, put it :

“  As far as I can recall, this is the first time in India that an eminent person has spoken so openly from a non- religious platform that social harmony in India, a religiously pluralistic society, is dependent on how Christianity and Islam conduct themselves in regard to Hinduism. Unless what Sri Swamy has brought out is assiduously buried deep by vested interests (the media will do its best to do so) the consequence in civil debate in India is likely to benefit social harmony. Hindus are the best neighbours in the world, provided their toes are not trampled upon. “ ( in an e-mail to

(Readers may watch Dr.Swamy’s speech at the India Today Conclave at )

Dr. Swamy might have added that there is an enemy within, the deracinated Hindus of
India who have inherited the Macaulayian mantle and who now will be subjected to
the ongoing brainwashing by the left/liberal shenanigans of the University of Chicago project in New Delhi. This pertains to the establishment of an adjunct university to be
set up at the University of Delhi, to be headed by no less a personage than the noted
anti Hindu academic Martha Nussbaum (Nussbaum is her married name, and she is divorced from that gentleman; she herself was born into a Christian family in the U.S.).

As Rajiv Malhotra (author of the book Breaking India 2010) pointed out : “ What Macaulay failed to do will be accomplished by Martha Nussbaum” (in his comments to the Breakingindia. group). However, here too Shri Malhotra has temporarily forgotten the real damage that Macaulay’s educational system inflicted on the Indian subcontinent(and which is mentioned in the book Breaking India) along with the ongoing colonial Occupation of India. This  was long before Nussbaum. She merely inherited Macaulay’s children, as they are called.

The destruction of the highly effective and organized Hindu educational system that existed prior to the advent of both the Occupations (the Islamic and the British) was one key and the other was the military domination and the economic exploitation by the colonial power. Hinduism as a religion could not be exterminated, this both the Islamic and the British rulers saw quite early on. Nor could the majority of the population be changed in its socio religious practices.

But a creamy layer could be created which would not only be enticed by the advantages of money and power but also by what Belgian scholar Dr.Koenrad Elst has called the colonizing of the Hindu mind. To continue that train of thought, the present writer would like to add the word ‘amnesia.’  Everything related to Hindu history had to be obliterated from the Hindu mind.

At this stage the revision of Hindu history by the Western revisionists, aided by their
Indian counterparts, had begun. The post independence era saw a continuation of this process with very slight modifications only.Romila Thapar is a classic example of an Indian historian following  the Western paradigm of writing Indian history.As a result, decolonizing the Hindu mind (to use Koenraad Elst’s phrase) has to begin with the opposite of amnesia, namely anamnesis, a remembering.

This is made easier for the educated elite by the staunch persistence of Hindu belief and Hindu worship by the majority of the people. The ‘aam admi’ (common man) is not only the producer of the wealth of the country by which the parasitical class lives, he/she is the staunch upholder of Hindu tradition, upholder and practitioner of the Hindu way of life.

Endless attempts by the ruling elite to describe and dismiss and eliminate Hinduism as
Brahmanism have ended in failure. Attempts by avante garde writers such as the redoubtable Arundhati Roy to revile and anathematize the ‘ Brahmanic Hindu state’ have ended in failure. This is simply because the construct of ‘Brahmanism’ is a straw man. Since the time of the Vedas, there has been an unbroken tradition of a way of life, of worship, of texts and rituals, which gathered momentum and enrichment with each century, an ongoing process which has defied the machinations and maneouverings of the Asuric forces (phrase coined by a Hindu in the diaspora).

And a new Hindu renaissance such as occurred in the 19th century amongst the educated elite seems to be in the offing, despite the thralldom of material and economic success.
Hindu India is fighting back, and hopefully it will not be only the aam admi that will carry the burden. And it will not only be the Sangh Parivar organizations that will carry the banner aloft.

 Indian intellectuals have started a critical remembering. An outstanding example is Dr.Shrinivas Tilak’s  book  Reawakening to a secular Hindu  Nation (2008). Written by a scholar familiar with both Western and Hindu thought, this book is sure to provide a great
impetus to that parallel line of enquiry that the present writer has talked about elsewhere, in conjunction with the polemical and pathbreaking historical perspectives of the book Breaking India (2010).

 Breaking India provides a new interpretation of what passed as scholarship in the West concerning India. The book also gives a detailed analysis of the Dravidian-Christian nexus that seeks to balkanize India so that the  Christian evangelical project may succeed.

Reawakening to a secular Hindu Nation shows how a secular Hindu polity is in keeping with the profound spiritual philosophy of Madhav Rao Golwalkar (Guru Golwalkar). The present writer has traced briefly the outlines of the book in a book review which the reader may usefully consult before proceeding to the complexities of the book, which also has a sensitively written Foreword by Dr. Shreekumar Vinekar. The book review may be consulted in the book review section of Haindava Keralam .

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The aim of the author is to demonstrate that since the ancient past the state in India has always been secular, functioning within the parameters of a Hindu nation (Hindu Rashtra). Indians have inherited a civilization with common life-ideals and a life-philosophy based on values that today can be described as inclusive and pluralistic.

The Hindu Nation thus has been a continuously unifying idea and practice(pragatan) in the life of the peoples of the subcontinent.This process got submerged, though not destroyed, during the various conquests, invasions and occupations (vighatan). The way out is reawakening to this idea (sanghatan).

In his Foreword Dr.Vinekar  observes :

“Very few scholars of India that is Bharat, reborn after the horrendous vivisection of
Bharat that was India bothered to ask . . . What then is this Indian, this “new secular person” being re-moulded in the crucible of ‘secularism’ described as being independent of Dharma . . . since 1947 ?”  Dr. Tilak following Madhav Rao Golwalkar asks this question and attempts to provide some answers.

Anamnesis or remembering, then, is a two pronged effort : that of counteracting the
false consciousness engendered by the asuric forces and the remembering and recovering of Hindu Dharma.

(The writer is a Political Philosopher who taught at a Canadian university).

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