The Danger of The Dancing Father and the Silly Sister

via c ganessane published on June 16, 2008

A well-planned strategy concocted in a


‘s office specially affected for long-term program to delink all Hindu connections from its cultural manifestation like Bharatanatyam.Their mission is to make Bharatanatyam loose all its connections with Hinduism. Will it be then Bharatanatyam or some other thing?

Some Christian Missionaries are carefully selected by


and given huge funds to pervert Hindu Art and cultural Institutions with the objective to destroy all connections that this sacred dance has with Hinduism externally, emotionally, internally or even intellectually. Disconnected by its spiritual and cultural bases, all Indian dance arts with Bakthi movement as it’s force can only die a silent death.
Or, so they wish.

They think by polluting and taking out all links with Hindu Gods, these schools will be made easy prey for Christian proselytizing. Fr Saju George Moolamthuvuthil, a Jesuit priest from Kerala, trained in Chennai and now working in Kolkata, who was one of the two opening dancers at the Festival of India in


, 1999, is a neo-crusader with a baba cool look.


This man dances Bharatanatyam not to induce Bakthi in you but to allure to his religion by conversion. His mission is to fusion Hindu dance Bharatanatyam with ABRAHMIC RELIGION stained in blood of crusaders and those who launched
inquisition on Innocent Goa Hindus.

Can he succeed? If at all he can not succeed then the


will not abandon this useless job but will send more and more people like him with more and more money power to pervert our culture. He is also Research Director at Kalai Kaviri College of Fine Arts in Tiruchirappalli. Thus, we have all sorts of so-called “fathers” planted in the middle of Hindu Institutions of ART and CULTURE.

This man is hell bent on proving that middle-eastern Jesus could be linked to the sacred dance of Bharatanatyam! He has performed on some 60 solo and 25 group Bharatanatyam stages in India, Germany, Bangladesh and Thailand, with both Christian and Hindu themes. Having also danced before Pope John Paul II in

New Delhi

, he has thus raised Bharathanatyam to the realm of Christian prayer and
worship! Courtesy:

In the concerts, imageries of Radha Krishna share a platform with the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.Fr Saju takes with him lot of dancers from Kalakshetra in his anti-Hindu crusade of the world… People like Sri K Rajkumar, Khagendra Nath Barman, Padmashri Leela Samson, Nadabrahmam Prof. C V Chandrasekhar (all from Kalakshetra, Chennai) and Padmabhushan Kalanidhi Narayanan and Kalaimamani Priyadarshini Govind accompanied this “foolish dancing father” the world over to prove that Bharatanatyam can be adapted to BIBLICAL AND THEOSOPHICAL ideals. Besides, Mrs Leela SAMSON is supported by The Theosophical society in
Chennai, ADYAR.

This society studies day and night Hindu scriptures only as a spy who wants to copy the functioning of a machinery of his enemy and only in the aim of diluting Hindu genius in the ocean of secularism and level the distinctive flavours of Hinduism with other monotheistic religions so as to make it as colourless and as insipid as possible. A cursory look of their website can make this point clear. They rename and give secular terms to Hindu notions of grandeur. They call Atman as Logos. If they really respected its originality why they want to delink Atman from Vedic traditions?

Go and say to French wine makers that the label of


can be put on any other bottle. Will they keep quiet? The basic “bon sens” (common sense) as they call it in French lacks in their objective.

Padmashri Leela Samson has been with a supportive nod from Sonia successfully bagged the post of DIRECTOR of KALKSHETRA with a clear mission to pervert Bharatanatyam as a fusion dance that any western secularist may use for his Christian conversion activities of weak Hindus.

Thus as a Director of this prestigious school, she is removing all Ganesh idols in Kalakshetra as per the orders she receive from her superior in


Please go to the following link for more information on her anti-Hindu activities:

This funny father and this silly sister form a fanatic front in Chennai attacking the Tamil culture from all sides with their money power! Will this fatal couple reap poor Tamil souls for their religions or will they finish as “outlaws” in the eyes of all Bharatanatyam lovers the World over?

This proselytizing father and this fanatic lady will continue to dance Bharatanatyam to promote an Abrahamic desert God who is more to do with a Palestinian than a South Indian culture Unless we all say “no” to this visual aggression and distortion of our art, there is no stopping these people from confusing Hindus who can be easily lured to Christianity.

Besides, to prove he has knowledge of Hinduism and his dance is based on a sound mastery of Hinduism, he has managed to get a PhD in the Saiva Tradition from the




What a wicked man this father from Kerala where he had tested all these anti-Hindu tricks before trying to apply them in Tamilnadu ! But then, can we really blame him? He is just trying to do what those in


asks him to do.

THE PROBLEM IS THE WILL TO PROLETYTISE IMBIBED IN THOSE FANATIC ROMAN CATHOLICS AND CHRISITANS because they are obsessed with the western disillusion with Christ and are afraid if they could not get a billion
Hindus in their clutches, they would not able to make this multinational machinery function as usual as Europeans and Americans are deserting massively day by day the Christian and Catholic churches.

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