The ‘con’ party of India

via Govindan published on May 18, 2010

The Congress party is actually the ‘con’ party of India, for the following reasons:-

It declared India as a Secular state, had the Constitution drafted that all citizens are equal under the Law, but announced the communal Haj subsidy, which has dent a big hole in the tax-payers’ pocket as well as hit the Hindus hard, because Hindu temple funds are being diverted to pay for this subsidy.

The Congress conned the Hindus by usurping their temples and misusing the funds, a trend which other parties have been following suit. The Congress has conned the so-called ‘minorities’ by doling out largesse to them which is illegal and discriminatory, just for garnering their votes. This precedent has cost the nation dear, as other regional parties like BSP, SP et al have followed suit, to the detriment of developmental work- of basic infra-structure in the country.

The Congress party has conned the nation by creating a rift/ill-will between the various communities, by its ‘divide and rule’ policy. The Congress has conned the nation by spreading lies about the BJP and the peaceful Hindu organizations.The Congress has conned the nation by compromising on national security and protecting anti-nationals and terrorists. The Congress has conned the nation by indulging in major corruptions,thereby becoming the ‘Mother of all ‘Corruptions’. The Congress has conned the nation by failing it in all respects and on all fronts. Need anything more be said about the Con party of India?

The Congress being an incorrigibly corrupt party, has been receiving money from christists and possibly islamists, which is why they are allowing so many conversions and concessions, and going soft on terrorists in the country, which is actually aggression on the law-abiding hindus. The Congress has been conning the people by framing the hindus in false cases, insinuating them to be indulging in ‘Hindu terror’!

The country is not safe in the hands of the vile ‘Con’ party.

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