The Choices For Hindus

via Dr Babu Suseelan published on August 16, 2009

Recently I had a conversation with one of my friends on coercive religious conversion, Jihad terrorism, bogus secularism, and political corruption, “What is the point of it all?”, the Friend asked. “Why should we struggle with all these issues, our life. In the end, isn’t life just a sick joke.” But our Santhan Dharma is eternal. It is spiritual and ever lasting. Nobody can destroy it. It will survive. I knew how he felt. He reminded me the death of our common friend. I remember watching the friend dying. For decades he was a great physician, at the heart of the family, the next he was a gray emasculated shape in bed suffering from amnesia, Alzheimer’s disease, hardly able to smile, speak or remember. . After that nothing____a pile of ashes in an urn. Could this be all there was to it?

For some there is no point. We are all accidents in the evolutionary chain. We can lie back and enjoy it, or we can occupy ourselves as creative men do, in trying to understand more about what is going on. There is nothing we can do to alter it, even when we understand it. We can only play with it. Man is the smallest piece of dust in the universe.

It is God in our human soul. God is the architect of the universe, who makes sense who we are. How do we know that? Because of the moral force within us. Even if scientists explore man and the world, there will be some life questions will remain unanswered. The problem of life remain untouched. Our life has meaning, even if we were not able to describe it or define it. Even if it is a conceit, we feel that we know that we have a soul, that we matter, and that we are in some small way unique. Even if our life is short and unpredictable, we must keep on living. If we don’t believe in our purpose, there is no reason to do anything, believe anything, change anything. The world would be at the mercy of those who threaten us with their bad deeds. It is a risk we cannot take.

To find our purpose for doing and our being, it helps to build on our sense of continuity, a sense of connection and a sense of direction. Without our Hindu identity, connection and continuity, we may feel disoriented and rudderless.If we are not active, assertive with self-esteem, the world around us is going to be a dangerous place for Hindus.We need to understand and recognize our Dharma and our role in preserving, practicing, protecting and promoting it. We must not only preserve the gains of our Sanathan Dharma, and maintain intact those just institutions that may have been established by our great Rishies for the benefit of all those who are living and those who are to be born.
We have an obligation and responsibility as part of those who think, care about, or are in any way influenced by Hindutva, to promote it. We were not meant to stand alone. We need to belong to the larger world Hindu community. Only where there is a mutual commitment will we find people prepared to work themselves for the preservation for the good of fellow Hindus.

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