The Chinese dragon spits fire on us

via Dipin Damodharan published on January 21, 2010

A recent meeting comprising top officials from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Indian Army and Jammu Kashmir government concluded that India has lost a substantial amount of land to the dragon nation China in the last two decades. The meeting pointed out the absence of a proper map and the lack of coordination between different departments are the major reasons for the Chinese invasion.

The Chinese aggression happened very slowly over a long period of 25 years. It is only now the so-called secularists realizing that China is becoming a threat to our nation. Years back, nationalist ideologues like Shri Madhav Sadhashiv Golwalkar (Guruji) and Swatantra veer Savarkar warned several times about the precarious actions of the communist nation. But the then ‘secular’ governments were not ready to hear the voice of real patriots. And finally the dragon attacked Bharat in 1962.

After the 1962 war, about 36,000 square kms of our land in Aksai Chin region has been conceded to Chinese side. But unfortunately our eyes had not open and we have not atoned our stand on China. But for the communists India was the real culprit of the 1962 war and their leaders like EMS and Jyoti Basu had openly expressed this view. Now, after the demise of Jyoti Basu, our Prime Minister described Basu as a great patriot. Excellent….this is real patriotism. I too pay tribute to Basu, but truth is sacrosanct and we have to accept it. Let us come to the real issue – the fire spitting Chinese dragon.

The indigenous people of Ladakh have been complaining of Chinese aggression for several years. The threats have been very much consistent since December, 2008. The local people have been assaulted both verbally and physically by the Chinese army. The Chinese have threatened the nomadic people who had been using Dokbug area in Ladakh sector for grazing since decades long, in a way to snatch our land in inches. Their pitched tents removed and firewood burnt. And the latest, the road workers in Demchok were verbally threatened by their Army, and the construction work was stopped. The Chinese are gaining by inches, yards, and even kilometers every time. According to the local people the Chinese Army were used similar tricks to acquire our land in past. Till 1984, India had claims over the Nang Tsang area, which is opposite Phukste air field. Now, it belongs to China.

Actually our soft stand had given momentum to Chinese aggression. Last year their troops had trespassed nearly 1.5km into our territory near Mount Gya and painted the boulders there with China in red spray paint. Also they opposed Prime Minister’s visit to Arunachal Pradesh and claimed the state as their integral part, then they opposed Dalai Lama’s visit to the same. They have issued special visas to Kashmir residents on separate piece of paper. The red Chinese dragon spits fire on us again and again…..Here I would like to remember Swami Vivekananda’s quote: Arise, Awake and protect, every inch of our motherland.

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