The book “Breaking India”

via Dr. Issac published on March 8, 2011

The book “Breaking India” authored by Mr. Rajiv Malhotra and Mr. Aravindan Neelakandan is an ‘early warning’ to all those who loves Hindu spirituality, tradition and heritage. The book seriously debates the evolution and growth of the Aryan and Dravidian/Dalit dichotomy in the contemporary Tamil South. Behind this articulated phenomenon of Aryan and Dravidian/Dalit illusion, the designs of alien as well as indigenous organized forces’ operation is a well established truth. This really started in the South since the dawn of the nineteenth century. First it was started in Kerala in the nineteenth century. In the mid nineteenth century bible was fully translated in the vernacular, Malayalam. But it was introduced in the Malayalam specking community as fifth Veda [See Breaking India, pp 108 ff]. That is why Malayalam lexicon recognized the word ‘Veda-pusthakom’ [book] as the verbatim to the Bible.

Similarly the massive missionary work of the nineteenth century destabilized the Hindu base of Kerala. All the spaces of social transactions were monopolized by the missionary enterprises. Education [formal], popularization of allopathic medicine, belittling of Ayurvedic medicine, missionary monopolization of knowledge proliferation including news papers and publishing, etc were dominated by Christian worldview. Really the Hindu society of Kerala during the colonial phase turned as an arrested society. But the work of four great men turned aside the total breakdown of the Hindu society in Kerala. They were Chattmbi Swamikal, Sree Naryana Guru, Ayya Vaikuntaswamikal and Sir C.P. Rama Swami Ayyar. By in the middle of the twentieth century the baton of the Hindu moment ushered in by them were highjacked by the Communists. As a result the perfunctorily Hindu society of the contemporary Kerala turned as society that lacks Hindu mindset.

The cultural hegemony of the Hindus in the Kerala society is in declining stage. They lost political hegemony by the sixties of the last century. Finally they lost their religious signs. Vijayadashami and the beginning of learning are lost to the Hindu society of Kerala. It went into the hands of not only the Church but furthermore in the hands of big business groups [See Breaking India, pp 111]. The true spirit of Vijayadashami subjected to erosion under the pressure of secularism in the hands of business houses. That is why the universal prayer “Hari Sree Ganapathaye Namaha’ was replaced. In short the spirit of Hindu spirituality gave way to un-Hindu practices in Kerala.

The historical importance of Cilappthikaram fame port city Kodugallor [Muzris] is getting ready to give way for another place. A fake excavation sponsored by the Church-Marxist nexus of Kerala is at work in order to highjack the historical importance of the two thousand year old Hindu Port city of Muzris. The intention of this nexus is to establish Hindu religion is a latecomer. Hence in the formation of Sankara Darshana [monism] is an extension of the Bible. Church popularized such stories from the sixties of the last century. But this theory of Catholic Church did not received acceptance due to the paucity of documentary evidence. Thus the purpose of the present excavation project is to establish biblical influence on Sree Sankara Acharya. Similarly Muslims popularized a legend that the last Cera ruler embraced Islam and went for a pilgrimage to Mecca. The fact is that the last ruler of the Cera dynasty died fifty years before the birth of Prophet. All these vested designs of proselytism is the motive force behind the present KCHR excavations.

The conspirators identified a new place called Pattanam and hypothetically declared it as old city of Muzris. In order to establish their hypothesis they are conducting an excavation since 1998 under supervision of Kerala Council for Historical Research [KCHR], a non-competent agency to conduct archaeological excavations. Their target is to establish early Kerala is non Hindu and Roman in character. Hindu religion reached Kerala after the arrival of Christianity and Islam. It is an extension of Deivanayagam’s PhD dissertation. [See Breaking India, pp 69-73, 94, 95]. Above all relics that they discovered from the site mainly consist of rosary bead and Roman amphorae jars. They failed to find any Hindu artifacts from there because the location not forms the part of the capital city of the Cera Empire. Thus they says “there was a discremible desertion or abandonment of the site after or around 10th century CE and re-occupation probably during the colonial times”.

This excavation is the part of an international conspiracy against Hindu religion and Hindustan. The main sponsors of this project are Government of Kerala, Viterbo University, Italy, Southampton University, UK, etc strengthening the doubt that rose earlier. Above all the said activities has several similarities with the problems that raised by the authors of Breaking India.

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