The Blackguards at Sea – Liberation Theology kick-starting a Nagaland Insurrection at South India?

published on October 27, 2013

The Firm as all avid readers of pulp fiction know is slang for the Central Intelligence Agency. A mysterious ship called Sea Guard is discovered with a considerable Cargo of Heavy Weaponry and explosives and that it had no authorisation or papers that it should have in possession is the least mysterious of this Newsflash.

It had been there with such a shipment for a month already afloat in Indian Territorial Waters and had not bothered to put things in order all the while or intimate the Port authorities.

The tale becomes murkier further when it is found the vessel had called several ports previously in a half a dozen countries and it had no valid papers for those calls.
Frederick Forsyth could not have penned a better plot starter.

A quick hush up by the Indian authorities and official downplaying to an equally mysterious complacent media should perhaps be left to a novelist like Forsyth to throw some light for the clueless reader.

Even less talented novelists could convincingly make enough intrigue and connecting dots to present a murkier tale that could have devastating portends to National Security.
A vessel belonging to an alleged private Security Firm AdvanFort professing now on paper to provide ‘security cover’ for merchant ships appears on Indian territorial waters and after three days afloat on Indian Waters on August x 2013 berthed herself at Kochi Port.

 It did not care to reveal that its cargo included heavy arms and ammunitions and cared less to have any Valid Papers permitting her to carry them when finally it was found to attract the Tamil Nadu Maritime Police Guards’ attention- appearing and disappearing.
On the late evening of October 11th a tracker vessel tailed and cornered the vessel near Tuticorin port.
Before this chance discovery- the ship had sailed to Arab Waters and called port at Sharjah. In mid September the ship flying a Sierra Lone flag atop her mast then returns to Indian Waters when finally Indian Coast Guards spots and boards her.

Media reports indicate this rogue vessel has been roaming the high seas and spotted repeatedly inside Indian waters, for some unknown reason it was never approached for a check- she was violating the maritime laws with impunity all the while.

Finally when the maritime cops embarked on board a huge catchment of heavy arms and ammunitions were discovered for without valid papers and promptly confiscated. There were 35 assault rifles and 5000 rounds besides other weapons.

Some 35 crew men including 25 alleged Guardsmen on deck were arrested and an FIR was filed and case transferred to the Q Branch, and that was when shit hit the fan-
The weird and evasive apologia for this behaviour of the vessel flouting every single Maritime Law in the Book raised even questions that went begging for answers as they started blurting evasive answers.
The ship bore the name Kaio Maru before rechristened as Seaman Guard, and the company AdanFort Ohio registered her as a Merchant Vessel at Sierra Leone.
The Company spokesman in typical American corporate brush off informed the press very casually that it was thankful for all the above listed irregularities and violations that the vessel had been found to be safe!

Safely found with arms and ammunitions that had no papers and safely ignoring the mandatory laws in a Nation that had just announced that it was expecting a sea borne attack like at Mumbai and was on high alert against Terrorist incursions.
The company rolls out a fantastic plausibility that this strange ship behaviour was quite in line with its proffered business- that of providing merchant vessels with Security Cover against Somalian pirates. That is if you could believe guarding against sea pirates takes being Sea pirates?

Another amazing ready excuse of irregularities that this company wants us to believe seriously is that Security cover against Sea Pirates at distant Somalia, lead her to this dangerous behaviour triggered by the Phalin Storm –while her charted course was no where even close to that area.

As this smoky mishap drew more media attention, and raised eyebrows of breach of National Security and lapse in swift entry of the national Intelligence Agency that had issued a high alert just recently against sea borne terror strike, fresh reports make out a clear lag in retrieving the Vessel’s Black box and Communication equipments.
What this means is the rogue ship and her crew and the company were provided a window of over two weeks to tamper with the ‘evidences’ and cover tracks.

As if all this isn’t enough as a fiasco, Indian Officials began a Down Playing of the Confiscation of weapons and ammunitions in a rogue ship with blurred log book- when simultaneously the company was making out a case of a trivial lapse- that such a small private security firm and her vessel should make the American embassy to rush to her release off the hook.
The quick Indian compliance to American arm-twisting to downplay the incident, the delay in involving immediately the NIA and making out in full the Public Prosecutor’s Report all indicate incompetence and a callous negligence to hush and cover up the alarming security breach.

This also makes a speculation of the ship being a part of some Covert operations run by the infamous CIA.On the company’s payroll are former Special Forces Operatives from NATO, U.S and United Kingdom. The Obama administration is zealously supplying arms all over the place to several civil wars. Many former CIA men have written tomes on its modus operandi- gun running using cover of legal businesses and shell companies.

In our analysis on Homeland Security at Haindavakerelam we have already indicated that Liberation Theology movement is seeking a revival of the LTTE and a Nagaland like insurrection at South India.

Besides the Maoist- Church nexus the link up with Islamist terror groups have also been collaborating in expanding their bases made out by experts like B R Haran. The possibility of LTTE regrouping in the South has been briefed by him and other Counter Terrorism analysts.

The Urban encirclement phase of Maoists holed up in the Tribal hinterland may require such a close coming together of Urban Guerrilla groups such as regrouped Al Umma and the LTTE.

Were the arms and ammunitions part of this crazy Obama administration’s policy of covert supplying arms to even Al Qaeda like at Syria where photos of Al Nusra front gunmen sporting American heavy weapons in American aid tents?

Instead of standing firmly with the Secular Arabs at Egypt, the American frustration with Egyptian military regime has coincided with a sudden escalation of attacks at Sinai by the Islamists – that the Brotherhood had been receiving American weaponry needs no guessing?

When we see these arms supplies by Obama administration, to even its avowed enemies such as the Al Qaeda and Brotherhood, we can see how this adventurism can lend the same to a Liberation Theology movement that requires a regrouping of the LTTE and a Nagaland like insurrection to be kick started at South India.

So the Blackguards caught at sea violating our sovereign waters need more thorough investigation and the Indian Government must vigorously pursue the Seaman Guards who have behaved more like pirates and gun runners.
Counter Terrorism experts must make note of our previous analysis at Haindavakerelam of Liberation Theology as a global movement sponsoring armed insurrections, under a Jesuit Pope himself a Liberation Theologian should be actively getting involved in such adventurist dares.

We have traced the Eco-Liberation theological inspiration behind the anti-nuclear anti-koodankulam reactor agitation.

Our prediction that this movement in seeking to expand the political base would strive towards a Caste Conflagration to abuse the fallout as proof of Dalit Oppression to enhance its insurrectionist rationale.

We could also make out then an alliance of Liberation theology with defunct Islamist extreme groups like Al Umma providing them the wherewithal as at Syria and the Egyptian Sinai.

The open arming of Islamist groups all in the name of an Arab Springs is now an acknowledged part of the American foreign policy.

The much hailed Arab Springs are now a fount of Islamist bloodbaths in a dozen countries since then -our warning also turned out true that Islamists waiting in the wings to take over the script.

A similar horrendous adventurism by western Imperialism could be the rearming and regrouping of the LTTE to bring to knees the Lankan regime.

Together this grand alliance with Islamists enables the Urban encirclement of Maoists to be fulfilled in that long sought subversion of India.

The Seaman Guards from company that has Special Ops men from Western Super powers could be charting the destination that Liberation theology has laid out for South India supplying an insurrection front in tandem with the insurrections at Nagaland and Mizoram at North East India.
Update– Dr Subramaniam Swamy BJP leader has twitted that there is now enormous pressure brought upon the Tamil Nadu government to circumvent the Law and have the culprits and violaters of national security quietly releeased.
Going by his tweet it seems Jayalalitha governement is ressisting the pressure.
Since Resolution 1 has already highlighted politcal considerations has lead to compromise by her on internal security and murders of Hindutva leaders, thanks to hobnobbing with Islamist proxy parties, this new resolve by her should be a welcome change in tune with the RSS resolutions. 

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