The bell tolls: Tommorow’s truncated India

via Book Review. published on October 10, 2006

R.K.Ohri’s second book THE BELL TOLLS: TOMORROW’S TRUNCATED INDIA,  deals with the looming shadow of civil strife due to the diabolical threat of jihadist terror and demographic crisis facing the Indian nation has been published recently 


The Bell Tolls: Tomorrow’s Truncated India, is a topical study of the messy political scene of contemporary India.  In content and thought it is substantially different from run-of-the-mill political tracts most of which tend to ignore the twin formidable threats of Islamic terrorism and impending demographic crisis to the unity of Indian nation.  Not many Indians know that Christian Europe is heading for a demographic disaster which could destroy its Christian identity. Niall Ferguson, strategic analysts who teaches contemporary history at Harvard University, alerted the western nations more than two years ago that in another fifty years Europe could become a Muslim dominated continent. To lend weight to Niall Ferguson’s warning a number of analysts and writers including Phillip Longman, Mark Steyn, Bruce Bawer and Oriana Fallaci have written books and articles highlighting the grave threat to Europe‘s Christian identity. Due to acceptance of western model of family planning, there has been a rapid decline in the fertility level of Hindus and allied faiths in several states and sensitive regions. By analyzing the census 2001 data the book warns that soon Hindus, too, could face a similar threat to their civilizational identity in several parts of India. The impending demographic crisis is a furiously ticking timer which can blow India‘s national unity and territorial integrity to smithereens.


The book highlights the damage caused to good governance by the lengthening shadow of parochial politics, supported by radical Islam and myopic leftist leadership. The emergence of several casteist parties and regional satraps, functioning in tandem with self-seeking leftist groups like the CPI (M), has systematically undermined most democratic institutions. The resultant political destabilization could sound death knell of Indian democracy.


The author has also exposed central government’s clumsy fudging of Census 2001 on the eve of Maharashtra elections by omitting 3.67 crore Indians from Census 2001 analysis and questionable deletion of  the census data of  four previous decades with retrospective effect. Never before in India or any other democratic country the census data of previous four census enumerations was deleted with retrospective effect. It was  done in September 2004 solely to establish by sheer manipulation that the percentage growth of Muslims was also declining quite fast. The fudging of population data during the Prime Ministership of an acclaimed Economist like Dr. Manmohan Singh was a very sad event.


The book draws pointed attention to the fast growing ‘Crescent Corridor’ across the heartland States of W. Bengal, Bihar and U.P. because of the alarmingly high growth of Muslim population, both by procreation and infiltration of Bangladeshis. In this context the advocacy for creation of five Muslim-dominated enclaves by Hyderabad-born Dr. Omar Khalidi underlines that there is a subtle attempt to resurrect the pre-partition strategy of scrambling the Indian nation and sow seeds of another partition.


The author has highlighted in Chapter 8 (titled Secular Graffiti and Hindu Dilemma) the growing phenomenon of heaping drivel and gratuitous insults on Hindus and their civilizational identity by sham secularist ideologues and political commentators. Just now Hindus have no voice in the echelons of power because they have become a fractured society, due to meaningless casteist divisions. For uniting the Hindus a Yagna representing all castes and regions should be held at which all caste distinctions should be abolished in one go and all Hindus declared as “Dwijya” or twice born. It may be recalled that in the hoary past when the country faced the problem of shortage of Kshatriya warriors, a Yagna was held in Aravallis, with blessings of Dharamacharyas, and many non-Kshatriya castes and tribal clans were baptized as Kshatriyas. They came to be known as “Agni Kula” Rajputs. Similarly in 1699 Guru Gobind Singh had created “the Khalsa” by offering ‘Amrit’ to five persons belonging to different Hindu castes, including the  highest and the lowest,  and made them sit together, eat together and fight together against growing tyranny of Aurangzeb.


India being the only bulwark of secularism pitted against jihadist Islam in South Asia stands marked as the next civilisational battleground, and a regular jihad against Hindus is on. Unless effective remedial measures are initiated right now the grim political situation has the potential to push India towards the ‘Dangerous Decades’ of disunity, Political upheavals and divisiveness, as forecast in 1960 by Selig S. Harrison, in his perceptive tome, India: The Most Dangerous Decades. That delayed forecast of Selig Harrison was now becoming increasingly relevant because of the ongoing jihad against Hindu identity of India by audaciously targeting temples, pilgrims, Hindu religious festivals and innocent worshippers. It could even lead to civil war like conditions in many parts of India, unless the divisive and fissiparous forces working against India are put down with a heavy hand soon.                                                                    


The book has been published by Manas Publications, 4858 Prahlad Street, 24 Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi -110 003, and is priced Rs. 495/- only. 


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