The Babagiri in Emerging India

via Subu Mukhi published on June 8, 2011

There is a strange calm in almost all the forums and discussion boards, of the intellectuals with regards to babas arrest. And so is the media.

This silence is telling the story of our society, the story of a highly snobish, class conscious and corrupt society.

Baba’s movement was taken by most of our roughly 2% population of the so called intellectuals/upper strata, as trespassing  on their ‘zamidari’. How can this rural, illiterate ruffian create such a stir to attract the attention of the millions when ‘we’ and only ‘we’ can
talk on such contentious issues like corruption, policies and initiatives.

 Look at how this very section of the society reacted during Anna’s Anshan and to the Baba’s.


Lets see how the baba is viewed by our intellectuals and the media which possibly may have also helped the congress to dare to insult baba.

1. A ruffian : Baba, a rural ruffian from a poor family, an illiterate, no fancy degrees, no added qualification like member of civil society, no awards like the hugely corrupted Magsaysay,  cant pronounce americanised English or rather Hinglish, talks uncivilized words like ‘phasi’, cannot speak like a pseudointellectual   starts talking about policies, plans, initiative and proactive actions. How the hell he dares.

This man is supposed to be selling some herbs by the road side.

2. Successful business : A half naked illiterate ruffian, how the hell he today runs a huge business which is now talking of procuring islands in Europe.  This is to be deserved by the
intellectuals and rich class like Ambanis or Arundhuti Roys or Shahruks not by this ruffian.

3. A large following : Why dose this half naked fakir has such a following. Such following should be fine for Oshos, Ravishankars and such others who present attire like that of an intellectual, not for this uncultured, uncivilized dhongi. This one can’t even make speeches in hinglish.

4. Promotes Indian identity : What down market, this baba talks of Bhartiyata, swabhiman and dignified way of living  nonsense. One should be talking/promoting phirangis, western culture, free sex, gays/lesbians, shun the saree and promote minis, promote family drinking
session and talk of unitary family system. What swabhiman, its upmarket to
behave like British or an American including imitating their accent.

5. A Hindu : The greatest factor, this one talks of  and practices Hindu way of life. It is very upmarket within the ‘intellectuals’ and the media to indulge in Hindu bashing, since this is the only religion which allows its own followers to shit on it and take pride in doing so. Had this Anshan been done by a Muslim or a Christian it would have been interesting to see how this very congress would have reacted. This very govt doesn’t dare to touch even an insignificant mazar in the very center of a road even though it creates a huge traffic problem.

These factors don’t sell well in the media and the intellectuals cant relate with ‘this’ ‘India’.

But then why was Anna supported so much by these ‘intellectuals’ and the media?

Because he had the following qualities

Was a civil society person. Presenting oneself as a civil society member or activist is upmarket among the ‘intellectuals’ and the media personalities

Was surrounded by rich (billionaires) who were ‘highly educated’ and doing blue collar jobs like lawyers.

Was surrounded by the ‘intellectuals’ who talk hinglish and make up a matching attire, some of whom claim to be the Magsaysay award winners. Highly upmarket, with whom the intellectuals and the media relates well.

They did’nt call themselves ‘Hindu’ rather finding opportunity to bash the Hindus and Hinduism.

Surrounded by some media made celebrities who now have nothing to do and also have no opinion of their own.

These factor sell well with the media in their talks and discussion, at least with the level of discussion the Indian TV channels indulge in.

But what was the game plan.

Actually if you see this was bound to happen on 4th itself.


Because Anna had said he was to join the stage on the 5th. Now this was said just to pacify the Baba but not to be materialized. Baba had supported Anna, though knowing fully well that its Anna who stole his show. So something had to be done by 4th to wind up the show.

Common people especially those from the rural areas related to baba more than Anna, since they were able to understand what baba was demanding, not the complicated jargon of Lokpal. So there was a chance that the Lokpal gang could loose their importance and focus would divert. Something had to be done before it is too late. Observe how Anna’s gang started to give statements one the very first day of the Anshan.

The congress was the one most concerned. Anna and his gang was the creation of congress, some of the gang members like Khejriwal and others, were already members of the national councils, one of which had met one day before Annas Anshan. The ‘lokpal’ that they were
demanding was a jargon of words with no immediate effect on those with large stolen money stacked abroad. And congress was fairly successful in that. But it was the Baba which was proving to be difficult. Baba’s demands were too straight and directly effecting many of them, including their queen. So something drastic had to be done.

The congress knew by doing this the media and the intellectuals would pat their backs. And that’s exactly what happened. Media never covered the protests by the people after babas arrest.

This is the sad story of our society that is controlled by a handful of corrupt/criminalized politicians supported the highly snobbish, city dwelling, India bashing, upper and uppermiddle class and a highly confused, cheap profit oriented proGovt media.

Babas happenings made us witness India in the middle ages, the dominance of the upper class where commoners dared not to speak for the fear of being crushed mercilessly.

And we call ourselves an emerging world power??????

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