The Attack on Swami Ramdev and the Sinister Eminence

via Dr. Vijaya Rajiva published on August 3, 2011

Hindu India must now wake up to the fact that the coming to power of an Italian Catholic since 1998 has been a disaster for the country.The combination of neo colonialism and the Christian West’s drive to destroy the native culture has already produced immense suffering. The slow insidious attack on Hindu India came to a climax in the infamous attack on a Hindu sannyasin (who had committed no crime) and his peaceful , non violent followers on the night of June 4, 2011 on the Ramlila grounds. Tehelka magazine’s reporter gave a graphic account of the injured in the hospital after the lathi charge, the most appalling being the middle aged woman whose spine had been broken and who lay with all four paralysed limbs. The devotees, old men, old women, women and children were left to fend for themselves after being driven from the Ramlila grounds, with tear gas and lathi charge. The scenes of old men and women being forcibly dragged out were telling. Throughout the day the peaceful crowd had been singing bhajans, practicing yoga and meditation. The fact that they were also there to protest the megacorruption of the government and all else involved in such scams, should have had no bearing on the ghastly events of the night. That was simply an excuse for the attack. It was a peaceful nonviolent gathering and as Congress loyalist Mani Shankar himself pointed out : the attack was not necessary, the crowd showed no signs of violence, they were asleep when the police moved in, and the Ramlila grounds were designed to hold large crowds.

Among the English channels CNNIBN excelled in an all night and morning coverage of the event. The entire nation saw what happened and the Supreme Court is scheduled to see  the videos in the next week or so(which the police had tried to confiscate). However, Indians (not just Hindus) must ask : what happened that night, who ordered the attack etc.? How could this infamous attack have happened ? The Delhi Police did not act independently. They received orders from the government. The reports soon after the event were that the Congress President ordered the attack.

Since then a curtain of silence has been drawn over the entire episode by the liberal media and Mani Shankar Iyer (the old time Congress loyalist) who had initially condemned the attack now refers to it as a TRANSIENT event. Ofcourse, he is not directly part of the motley crew that surrounds their boss. His interests are in a different direction. He associates with people like Pakistan’s ex foreign minister Mohammed Shah Qureshi, whom he used to meet frequently and most recently met (so he said on national television) at an old boys’ network event, probably at Cambridge or Oxford, England. In that regard he is more like his former idol Jawaharlal Nehru who was more comfortable with some of his Muslim colleagues than his Hindu ones, for example Sardar Patel. This reminds one of Richard Nixon’s comment that he hated the Hindus because they were cunning and deceptive ! Coming from this nefarious source Hindus should take this as a compliment.

No, apart from the ignoble Rajput , Digvijay Singh, Mani Shankar would not associate with the hoi polloi of the Congress Party ( so to speak) many of whom one can see on national TV. There is the ubiquitous Manish Tiwari, who in addition to his loud stentorian voice, has recently acquired a rather hollow laugh also, a Dracula like laugh . There is Renuka Chowdhary who smirks at the camera, giggles a lot and even breaks into a hysterical laugh every now and then. Jayanti Natarajan who used to belt out inanities has been promoted (kicked upstairs as they say) to a job which she may not be able to handle, but is clearly a reward for her loyalty to the boss.

Whatever happened to the once glorious Congress with women luminaries such as Sarojini Naidu?

The Italian Catholic has deliberately surrounded herself with mediocrities who would give her unconditional support in whatever she plans. And those plans have been disastrous for the country. No need to mention the current mega corruption in which she is alleged to be involved. One does not even need at this juncture to go back to the Bofors scandal.  The Swiss bank account is  a daily reminder. Black money and black . . . . ?

There is now the recent Communal Violence Bill (clearly an anti Hindu Bill) which the present writer has written about (See ‘The Communal Violence Bill : A Joke or Malice Aforethought ?’ Haindava Keralam,19/07/2011) .Here too , the super cabinet of the National Advisory Council (which drafted the Bill) wielding extra parliamentary power is also composed of dubious characters one of whom has been indicted by the SIT (Special Investigative Team) for bribery of witnesses, falsification, perjury etc. Members of this Council have been handpicked by the sinister eminence (so it is publicly known). It was even stated on a national television show.

These handpicked advisors and hangers on are not the end of the story. There are the Home Minister and the Defence Minister who must surely have been  present during the decision to attack the Hindu sannyasin on the night of June 4, 2011. The former is most likely involved in the various scams of the boss, if recent reports are true. The latter, reportedly an honest fellow from Kerala, is not  a Hindu.

He too most likely would feel no special qualms at the attack on a Hindu sannyasin and his devotees and by extension on Hindu sentiments and norms.Ofcourse, one does not know whether he did object to the coming infamous deed.One hopes that as an honest fellow he did, but was overruled by the sinister eminence. Certainly, if reports are to be believed, the PM (from a Dharmic faith, Sikhism) was not present at that infamous meet. Then there is the ignoble Rajput who would say or do anything to please the boss and whose services are not immediately apparent, except when called upon to publicly  insult the Hindu sannyasin and build up the incitement to violence against him.

No one would have predicted that the rags to riches story of the Italian Catholic would morph from a heart warming story to a sinister attack on Hindu India. Such is the gullibility of the Hindu populace that they cannot see the plan unfolding before their very eyes or if they do, are at present not quite sure what to do about it. The present writer must remind the reader that the Pope had openly said the following on his visit to India some years ago: In the first millennium Europe was Christianised, in the second millennium the Americas were Christianised, in the third millennium it would be Asia, with special emphasis on India. In addition to this world agenda therefore, the sinister eminence also has had other private plans (if the reports are true ). And increasingly, that seems to be the case.

Will she succeed ? No. The Christian West’s drive to subjugate other cultures succeeded in other parts of the world. In India, the long night of the two Occupations (the Islamic and the colonial British) may have produced a certain amnesia as to Bharat’s ancient civilization and its ongoing resilience. That strength and resilience will prevail in the end. The Italian Catholic is now a sinking ship and it won’t be long before the rats start leaving it. But she would have put the country through much needless suffering by then.

The long night  is coming to an end. Indeed it should, before the country is put through more pain and suffering, by a neo colonial who has no real attachment or understanding of the country and who seems to have only used the country for her own private enrichment .  Recently, a well known Indian sociologist opined that as a modern nation India must forget the past and move on. Suicidal advice ! It is the remembrance of Bharat’s heritage that has kept the country going and is the guarantee of its ongoing existence. More importantly, it is the daily practice of Hinduism by millions of Hindus that is the firewall against which the Italian Catholic will not win, must not win , if the country is to be spared further suffering such as what was witnessed on the night of June 4,2011, at the Ramlila Maidan. Swami Ramdev expressed it succinctly when he said that at first he did not pay much attention to the fact that she was a foreigner, but now it is clear that she has no feeling for the people of this country, especially its women and children.

For Bharat’s sake this particular night must end.

(The writer is a Political Philosopher who taught at a Canadian university).

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