The 83rd Plenary of the Congress (Italian) – Day One Highlights

via K.Vijayan published on December 18, 2010

The highlights of Day One play are:

1. Dummy Manmohan Singh out. Imbecile Son Rawhowl in.

2. RSS Greatest Communal Terrorists; BJP its tool.

3. All Terrorists are Equal – Muhammedan, Communist, though Hindu ones are the most-feared and violent among Equals. Christian Terrorists are not terrorists at all, whether in the North Eastern States or elsewhere; not even a blip on the Terror Radar.

Our Higherlights on the Highlights:-

1. Corruption, Trillions of Dollars of black money siphoned out of India and ‘Concealed Openly’ in Christian or Islamic Safe Havens by Italian-Indians WILL NOT be taken note of. Family matter. Private property. Keep out.

2. Manmohan Singh will now concentrate on keeping Our Slush Money Accounts, moving from Fleshpot to Fleshpot, doing his thing of breakfast in ‘Pindi, lunch in Kabul, dinner in Paris etc. He may however collect autographs on the side for himself, so long as it is not on Monetary Negotiable Instruments.

3. Rawhowl will take up Gotooling 24 X 7, and Momma and Proknob will look after Dilli Sheep Shearing.

4. Now that Wiki is likely to be shut down for raping Uncle Sam, Dig Vijay will be tasked with planting Fresh Leaks about how it is Hindu Terrorists who are killing, bombing, droning, and raping Ahmediyas, Shias, Christians, Sudras and Dalits in Pakistan and Afghanistan with a view to splitting those Rehamtic Shariat-shitted Nations.

Await Ambassador Tiny Tim’s next diplomatic Cable to Washingtan D.C, and Affirmative Action by International Committee of the Red Cross, Amnesty, and ex-CJ KGB’s Commissioned HR Reports.

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