The 2Gs

via Dr Mrs Hilda Raja published on December 5, 2010

The 2G scam is something which makes every Indian put down his/her head in shame but not the Congress. The party comprises  persons who are least bothered of what happens to India , to its poor and its citizens-only power for themselves is their concern and sole goal. Prime Minister knows not just 2Gs but 3 Gs. Let us concentrate on the 2Gs.Sonia Gandhi ad Rahul Gandhi.The former proclaimed that Congress stands for truth.It is laughable. Is she really serious or just ridiculous? She has to script new terms for words-for example her renunciation meant more power which is not what renunciation stands for and is known for.But by ‘renunciation’  the coterie round her ranked her with saints and sants. In actual practice what did it mean she assumed the role of an extra constitutional PM. Now she talks of Congress standing for the truth.

And what is truth when she has filled the ranks with corrupt men and women. In every constitutional post she filled with her handpicked corrupt persons. Yes this would include Manmohan Singh too. Corruption is simply not soiling one’s hands with currency or taking kickbacks directly, but in abetting corruption in failing to uphold one’s constitutional role and thereby betraying the people, in silence, in inaction while the public exchequer is looted, in failing to throw out a cabinet minister when he bypassed instructions et al. Are these not different facets of corruption? And Manmohan Singh is guilty of these and more. He cannot get away by citing coalition dharma-this is coalition adharma which he personally and vigorously pursued. He cannot abdicate his constitution obligation by claiming to be out of the loop as he once did. If he was helpless and his hands tied-his mouth shut then he should have put in his papers if he is the man of integrity and impeccable that people parrot. He is worse than A.Raja because he was above him and he had a co-responsibility of the whole cabinet. It was he who appointed A.Raja after very well knowing what he would be up to. Hence he stands first indicted.

Mrs Sona Gandhi is the puppeteer who holds the stings and makes others dance accordingly to her pulls-yet she had the gumption to state that the Congress stands for truth. Does she stand for truth? If so how and why did Quottrocchi flee with his loot-the Indian plunder? This can never be forgiven and does not speak of her truthfulness.

Both she and Rahul Gandhi canvassed in Bihar with untruths and that’s why people rejected them totally. Could there be a greater fall to lower levels. The Congress touched the bottom line with just 4 seats. Imagine a national party which speaks of truthfulness-which appoints the President and the PM getting just four seats out of the 243 seats it contested. No political party has ever had such a shameful rejection by the people. Rahul’s poor India and rich India and his claims that he belongs to the poor India was totally a sham. Not once did he condemn corruption-not once did he inform the people what he was aiming at. He was faulting Nitish who the whole world has credited with for pulling Bihar out of the morass that the Congress’ ally Lalu pushed it to. Bihar-one of the poorest State RG had the illogic to compare with Maharastra. If it has no electricity who is to blame? In five years time what did he expect Nitish Kumar to perform-perform a miracle? Rahul Gandhi at his age of 40 which is no longer ‘youth’ must call a spade a spade.On the other hand he just throws insinuations and blatant untruths when he called Modi a Maoist.Would the people of Gujarat forgive him for such abuses heaped on their elected leader. What if the people called him and his mother propagandists of fascists? He has yet to learn to give respect and get respect and not throw his weight around on the basis of his being the dynasty.

Talking about truth-RG is against dynasty but not against his being pushed as General Secretary and commanding so much of the political clout simply on the dynasty claim.What has been his contribution to India and its political thought. His half baked ideas of youth power and strutting across the non Congress States meeting youth in closed and well guarded meets makes one wonder whether he has really felt the pulse of Indians. Youth especially those in college have other ideas-they need to gear themselves for the world and its many demands-they need to prepare themselves for  a profession, they have to fend for themselves and they do not have a legacy of money and political power to install themselves in power positions. Does RG need to worry of his future in terms of finance?

Truth is not in replacing one Chavan with another Chavan-truth is not in making A.Raja resign after the loot. Would the Congress have done even these if the Opposition had not shouted  and screamed  and demanded these? But truth also does not lie in comparing Yeddyurappa’s de-notifying lands and bestowing these to his kin with the 2G  telcom scam of 1.7 lakh crore.The former is like a small pickpocket  when caught returned the purse. This does not absolve Yeddurappa of moral turpitude. But the Congress has rushed to cover its mortal sins with venial sins of others. Carrying a beam in its eye and faulting someone who had a speck of dust in his. That is was and is the practice of CMs to de-notify government lands and to bestow it on whom so ever they like has been a practice not only with the Yeddurappa but with the CMs before him and with the CMs of other States. So does that justify the 2G scam and the Common Wealth Games scam,the Adarsh scam? And all those involved are trusted Congress men/women of Mrs Sonia Gandhi.

Truth comes in handy for the Congress when it tries to pick at others. Look at the logjam in Parliament. It is the constitutional responsibility of the ruling party to see that Parliament functions. And Parliament will function if the demand of the Opposition for a Joint Parliament Commission is allowed. The Opposition is not demanding anything unconstitutional-in fact more than 70 percent of the MPs wants a JPC so why the problem of not yielding to its demand? The Congress is in the dock and that’s precisely why it is not yielding. It is easy to say that the PAC is a permanent JPC-how strange for Pranab Mukherjee to state thus. The PAC has no powers to summon any minister including the Prime minister.It will not be able to summon Mrs Sonia Gandhi to quiz her on the allegations that Dr Subramaniam Swamy has made that her sisters were recipients to part of the loot. This is the real reason why the Congress does not want a JPC but tries to put the blame on the Opposition. This is another dimension of truth which Mrs Sonia Gandhi states that her party stands for.

Take the appointment of the CVC-Why should the PM appoint a CVC whose record is not clean? There were other two names from which the Prime minister and Mrs Sonia Gandhi could have chosen.Mrs Sonia Gandhi wants her man and that too a corrupt one to monitor corruption. Does it not make strange reading? In this also it did not yield to the leader of the Opposition who rejected P.J.Thomas for his tainted record. Yet Mrs Sonia Gandhi’s handpicked President did not hesitate to sign the papers after the PM and Chidambaram had absolutely no problem or qualms of conscience in okaying a tainted person as the CVC. Here again another indication of truth. Every constitutional post has been dented and smeared with the Dirty Hand. India has been put to shame by the doings of this truthful Congress under Mrs Sonia Gandhi

There seem to be a brazen attitude with the Congress-not a flicker of the eyelid-no qualms and no genuine regret no sleepless nights for the Prime Minister because the nation has lost such a massive sum-1.7 lakh crores. On the other hand it tries to cover up or points at the omissions of the BJP.and engage in buying time with the hope that the nation will forget these. It has been raining scams and the UPA 2 period of rule is known and will go down in history as the Sonia raj scam period-the darkest period since Independence . Any political analyst would have foreseen this coming when one after another constitutional posts were filled with the corrupt-when the Constitution was bypassed and democracy given a quiet burial in handpicking persons-when the demands of the Opposition is being bulldozed by lame excuses and when Sonia reigns supreme as an extra constitutional power centre- with a weak PM failing to uphold the nation’s interest- that we are very much edging towards becoming a banana republic-thanks to the 2Gs.

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