Terror attack to undermine Hindu civilization : Swami

via HK Correspondent published on July 12, 2006

Chennai : The UPA government is now a confirmed failure on all major dimensions of government policy–economy, national security and foreign affairs. This failure is partly due to ineptitude but more often to due deliberate disregard of public interest on the part of the Congress and Left parties. Everyday terrorists are coming from abroad and setting off explosions at will and with impunity. The latest being the attack on Mumbai suburban rail stations killing hundreds and harming thousands of hapless commuters. All these attacks are aimed at undermining the Hindu civilisation and are foreign inspired. This dastardly audacity of terrorists is due to the soft approach of UPA to all terrorists, from LTTE, Maoists, Naxalites and to Islamic organisations and is aided and abetted by UPA’s deliberate policy of negotiating with unrepentent terrorists and killers or showing mercy to them. In a government dominated by the widow of Rajiv Gandhi, who was killed by the LTTE, the Supreme Court judgment ordering capital punishment to four LTTE conspirators has been held in abeyance for the last seven years because Ms. Sonia Gandhi wants them pardoned even though the convicts have not asked for mercy.


In the economic front, the recent collapse of the stock market and the huge price rise is directly the result of corrupt activities of those in high positions in government. The stock market crash is due to insider trading in portfolio investment stocks by those inside the government itself. They have earned a huge windfall by ruining the life savings of the middle class retail purchasers.  Food and vegetable prices have risen because of the forward trading at high prices and for which the poor are being made to pay today because of the government’s refusal to be a party to the purchase of food graiins from abroad. One industrial house venturing into food grain forward trading is expected to net Rs 3000 crores on the misery of the people resulting from inflation.


The biggest humiliation is seen in foreign affairs since the Prime Minister of a billion people is seen as a cipher who is all the time playing second fiddle to a semi-literate foreign lady. Not since Shah Alam has the throne of Delhi seen such debasement.


There is no hope of any improvement unless the UPA is thrown out of government. I therefore warn the Prime Minister that if as a first step he does not bomb the terrorist training camps in Pakistani held territory or in Bangladesh, and he does carry out the Supreme Court judgment to hang the four LTTE terrorists by August 15th, I shall organise the toppling of the UPA government in the larger national interests.

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