Teesta in real trouble

via Abraham Thomas | New Delhi - The Pioneer published on December 2, 2010

# SC takes serious exception to her writing to UN body on Godhra trial

# Refuses to entertain her plea challenging trial court order on Rais

Social activist Teesta Setalvad faced the ire of the Supreme Court on Thursday for taking her grievances in the ongoing Godhra riot cases before an international human rights agency at a time when the apex court was monitoring the progress of the investigations.

The court was referring to two letters sent by Setalvad’s NGO Citizens for Justice and Peace (CJP) to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights based in Geneva as recently as October 5 and October 7 this year.

In another setback to Teesta, the apex court refused to entertain an application where the activist challenged a recent trial court order which directed recording of statement of her former aide Rais Khan. Khan had made sensational allegations against Teesta-tutored witnesses and filed false affidavits in riot cases to mislead the Supreme Court.

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