Tamilnadu- Headless State and Faceless People

via HARAN.B.R published on March 28, 2008

The Issue: –

Eraiyur is a small village in Villupuram District of Tamil Nadu.
This village is dominated by the “Vanniyar” (Backward Class) community
(around 20,000 people) and some 2000 Harijans (Scheduled Castes) are
also living there. The Catholic Church
has converted both the communities long time back and it has also
established the “Our Lady of the Rosary” Parish, supposedly in the 17th
Century. This parish comes under the Cuddalore-Pondicherry Archdiocese.
The Vanniyars are supposed to be slightly superior to Harijans in the
social order and hence the former treated the latter as “Untouchables”.
This caste discrimination has been going on for hundreds of years.
Vexed by this discrimination, the Harijans built a new Church on their
own by name “Our Lady of Perpetual Help”. They demanded the Archbishop
to recognize this newly built Church as a separate Parish and asked for
a separate Priest. As the Vaniyars are a dominant community, the
diocese with an intention of not rubbing them on the wrong side, has
been dodging on this issue for quite some time, without making any
sincere attempt to abolish the practice of discrimination there by
ditching the Harijans. Archbishop Anthony Anantharayar of the
Cuddalore-Pondicherry Archdiocese, has been aware of this burning
issue, but did not take effective & timely measures to solve the
issue, which has resulted in the “utter failure” of the “never failing”
Jesus, as the people have been converted on the famous promise “All are
equal in the eyes of the Lord”!


The Politics: –


this juncture, the champions of social justice, the great Dravidian
Politicians entered the scene with the sole aim of abolishing
untouchability and achieving social justice! The Harijans listen to VCK
(Viduthalai Chiruthaikal Katchi) leader Thol.Thirumavalavan and the
Vanniyars listen to PMK (Pattaali Makkal Katchi) leader Mr.Ramadoss.
Both the leaders have together founded the so-called “Tamil Protection
Movement” in order to serve the Tamil Causes and protect the language
of Tamil and they enjoy an excellent & close rapport with each
other and both of them are also having good relationship the Christian
Religious Heads of the state. But, in order to “achieve social
justice”, here in Eraiyur, they have “obviously” decided to work
“separately”! The Harijan Converts sat on a hunger strike on the second
week of March placing their demands of recognition of Parish,
appointment of Priest, etc. The Vanniyar Converts, some five hundred of
them, who got infuriated, attacked the Harijan colony and burnt down
some thirty hutments. The police force, which came to control the
situation, resorted to firing in which two Vanniyar Converts lost their
lives. The District Administration (Collector, Superintendent of
Police, District Revenue Officer) under the leadership of Higher
Education Minister Mr.Ponmudi (he hails from Vilupuram) organized
“Peace Talks” between the two communities represented by their
respective leaders, which helped only for a brief period of lull. The
point to note here is that, the political leaders of VCK and PMK have
not participated in the so-called peace talks! Again after a few days,
Vanniyar Converts attacked the Harijan Converts and burnt down two more
hutments. Now, the Harijan Converts belonging to the nearby villages of
Villupuram and Cuddalore districts have closed down their Churches as a
mark of protest against the Catholic Diocese and also as a mark of
support to their brethren from Eraiyur.     


The ‘Head’y Politics: –


 Though the
‘converted’ village Eraiyur has been burning for quite sometime, it
seems the state machineries are in no mood to solve the issue. The
Vanniyar converts want to continue the discrimination against the
Harijan converts and the Church, which converted both the communities
on false promises and allurement has not done anything worthwhile for
them for the past several years. So, when the inevitable happened,
ordinary poor and innocent heads have born the brunt. When the
“ordinary heads” of Vanniyar Converts and Harijan Converts are “head
on” against each other, the “powerful heads” (PMK & VCK) of both
the communities and the “Religious Heads” (Diocese) are watching,
playing & enjoying the game of communal politics with glee! The
“State Head” (DMK), which claims itself to be a champion of social
justice, is not at all bothered, as it doesn’t have an iota of vote
bank there in Eraiyur! The same is the case with the “Dravidian Head”
(DK), the “Chicken Heads” (Alien headed Congress) and the “Commie
Heads” (CPI & CPM). All these “Political Heads”, which combined
together to harass, ill-treat and threaten the poor “Brahmin Heads” in
Temples in the name of “Tamil Cause” & “Social Justice”, are
conspicuous by their lack of action here in Eraiyur! The ‘state head’
‘caste heads’ and the ‘religious heads’ share power and enjoy an
excellent camaraderie with one another, but do not have the sincerity
and will to put an end to the ugly episode. The ‘caste heads’, which
are backed up & allegedly funded by the ‘religious heads’ of the
revealed order, would do everything to prevent the “home-coming”
(re-conversion) of the ‘ordinary heads’, while at the same time
maintaining the issue alive and keeping their vote-banks in tact!


reports say that, while the “Hindu Heads” are in a laid-back &
lethargic attitude without utilizing the opportunity, prominent “Muslim
Heads” of TMMK and Thauheed Jamad are already camping on the spot to
fish in troubled waters with the uninterrupted supply of “Oil Money” to
‘convert’ the already converted ordinary heads! At this point of time,
the Vanniyar Converts have sent feelers to Hindu Makkal Katchi, the
only small & proactive “Hindu Head”, for a “home-coming”, which was
“cautiously” and rightly so, received by HMK with an advice to the
Vanniyar converts to relinquish “untouchability”. The Harijan Converts
are also thinking of reconverting to Hinduism. The HMK President
Mr.Arjun Sampath, who is making arrangements for a grand “Home-Coming”
ceremony for some two hundred and odd families of Christian &
Muslim Converts in Thirunelveli District on the auspicious “Chithirai
Thirunaal” day of Tamil New Year on the 14th of April – forget about the “Dravidian New Year” announced by the government on Pongal Day –  has
categorically conveyed his opinion that there is no question of
continuing the practice of untocuhability after the home-coming, as the
Vanniyar Converts wanted to continue their discrimination practices
against the Harijans even after reconversion to Hinduism. This
arrogance & adamancy should not be encouraged by Hindus, who have
reformed a lot over the years due to the unstinted efforts of trusted
“Religious Heads” and not the distrustful “Rational Heads”! The “Hindu
Heads” must become active and enlighten the “Ordinary Heads” of
Vanniyar converts and Harijan converts to ditch their present
“Religious Heads”, discard their “Caste Heads”, discourage &
decline the “Muslim Heads” and embrace each other after embracing their
parent religion that is “Sanatana Dharma”!  


Remembering Kanthampatti: –


The Eraiyur episode reminds us of another incident, which happened in Kanthampatti village near Omalur
Town in Salem District a few months ago. There it was an issue
concerning Temple entry. In Kanthampatti, Vanniyars have not been
allowing “entry” for the Harijans into the Droupathy Amman
Temple and the Temple has been locked for the last forty years, and the
irony is that, the Temple falls under the jurisdiction of HR & CE
Department! Both the PMK (Vanniyar Party) and VCK (Harijan Party)
belong to the ruling DMK headed Democratic Progressive Allaince and
they are deliberately keeping the issue alive in order to play politics
every year keeping their vote-banks in tact, while actually it could be
solved in no time, if they have the will & sincerity. It is only
the “Religion” and “place of worship”, which differ in both the places,
but, in Kanthampaati, the religious leaders have not involved in the
ugly politics while in Eraiyur the religious leaders have played their
roles to the perfection in conversion, connivance and discrimination.


Conclusion: –


the “Dravidian Heads” have been repeatedly making a farcical claim that
they have worked hard and abolished untouchability, reformed the
society and achieved social justice, the incidents like Eraiyur and
Kanthampatti raise their “ugly heads” every now and then to prove that,
the once glorious Tamil Nadu has become “Head Less”! As the state had
become “Headless”, the people of the state have lost their faces and
become “Faceless”! Cheers to Davidianism and the so-called self-respect
movement, which are under practice for the last forty years! Can any
one say that there is no “social justice” in Dravida Nadu? Don’t be
stupid, only Aryans and Anti-Tamils will say that!

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