Tamil Nadu Science and Technology Center Director Apologises

via Courtesy:VSK Chennai published on May 20, 2010

Director Iyanperumal of The Tamil Nadu Science and Technology Center apologized to Hindus for targeting Hinduism in the name of promoting science.

The Summer Science Camp organised by Science and Technology centre invited wrath of devoted Hindus as the talks given by certain speakers were aimed at targeting Hindu worship. Nearly 250 school children participated in the three-day camp.  Lectures were delivered by a scientist Narendra Nayak from Mangalore (was also a Bio-chemistry lecturer working in Manipal)

Dinamalar, a Tamil daily 18th May, 2010, (http://www.dinamalar.com/fpnnewsdetail.asp?news_id=7564) has reported that in the course of talks and demonstrations the authorities have denigrated Hinduism, its customs & rituals, worshipping patterns, religious traditions, etc, in the name of science and rational thinking. The “professors” seemed to have insulted Hindu Gods and religious texts. One comment under Dinamalar’s report says that one teacher had belittled Bhagawan Shiva and the Saivaite Literature “Periya Puranam” in the said program. Who has authorized these “persons” to conduct Brain Washing courses and poison young minds against Hindus under Government Patronage?     

Followed by the protests of Hindu parents and Hindu organisations , Director Iyanperumal apologized and has promised that he will not invite anti-Hindu lecturers like Narendra Nayak in future .  The Director has also promised to invite lectures on Vedic Sciences, Bharat Itihas etc. in the Birla Periyar Planetorium in the coming weeks to come.

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