Tamil is Hindu

published on July 27, 2010

All Christian missionaries from Robert-De-Nobili to Robert
Caldwell, all Christian priests like Thaninayagam and evangelists like
Deivanayagam, worked and are working for the same agenda of hijacking
Tamil language, erasing its Hindu identity, destroying the native
culture, converting the natives and ultimately forming a Tamil
Christian Nation comprising Tamil Nadu and North and East of Sri Lanka.

racists, lacking in pride, passion and patriotism, have joined hands
with the Church and Christian establishments to alienate the Tamil
region from the national mainstream. The situation is ominous, and we
need to defeat the nefarious designs of vested interests at any cost.
The present political climate in both Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka is not
encouraging and the political establishments are of no help in both
regions. The onus lies on Tamils living in Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka.
They must re-Hinduise their identity and reiterate themselves with
pride, passion and perseverance. They must understand that their
language, music, art and architecture are all part and parcel of the
Great Hindu culture inherited from the Vedic civilisation, which
evolved along the sacred rivers Sindhu and Saraswati.      

identity is linked to the broader Hindu identity. We witness this in
Carnatic music, the Bharatanatyam dance form, temple architecture,
sculpture, classical literature, politics and overseas trade. The
Sangam era literature may not have been explicitly religious in theme,
but whenever the early poems referred to religious practice, one
discerns Hindu observance as in the worship of Mayon or Vishnu, Seyon
or Murugan, Kotravai or Durga, Venthan or Indra, and Varuna.

post-Sangam works like Tirukkural, Silapadhikaram and Manimekalai
resonate even more with the broader Indic philosophic currents. The
subsequent era of the Thevaram and Naalaayira Dhivya Prabandham or
Hindu devotional classics sponsored the growth of Tamil imperial power
and the political consolidation of the land which in turn facilitated
overseas trade and prosperity. Agriculture and irrigation grew in no
small measure. The origins of the Tamil language and its development
were linked throughout history with the broader Indic world. Let’s
never forget that!

This explains why the Thiruvaachakam
is sung at the coronation of the Thai king, why the traditional ‘Tamil
New Year’ in April is the ‘New Year’ observed in Cambodia and Burma,
and the Tamil influence in the Hindu religious iconography of
Indonesia. The Hindu identity is connected even to New Zealand. The
bronze temple bell presumably gifted by the Maoris (tribals of what
later became New Zealand) to Protestant missionary William Colenso
(around 1836) contained Tamil inscriptions!

Tamil is Hindu; Tamil culture is Hindu culture; Tamil tradition is
Hindu tradition; Tamil heritage is a continuity with the Vedic
civilisation which evolved on the banks of Sindhu-Saraswati and flows
down to Kanyakumari.

Tamizhchelvan in his 3 part series debunks the much proclaimed myth of Christian Contribution to Tamil. Read the 3 part series at
Part -1-https://www.haindavakeralam.com/HkPage.aspx?PAGEID=11672&SKIN=C
Part-2- https://www.haindavakeralam.com/HkPage.aspx?PAGEID=11699&SKIN=C
Part-3- https://www.haindavakeralam.com/HkPage.aspx?PAGEID=11723&SKIN=C


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