Swami Vivekananda’s Warning against Christian Conversion

via Courtesy:Krishnadaya published on October 19, 2008

The following is a conversation between Swamy Vivekananda and his follower Shri. Sinha……. ( From the Book Uthishta Bharath , page 87) :

” My dear Sinha , If someone insults your Mother, what will you do ? “

” I will jump on him and teach him a good lesson “.

” Nice answer . However, had you have the same sacred feeling about your Country’s real Mother  Sanatana Dharma , you wouldn’t have tolerated the sight of converting a Hindu brother to Christianity . But, in spite of seeing this sight everyday , you are inactive . Where is your commitment to your Faith ? . Where is your patriotism ? . Everyday the Christian Missionary is abusing Sanatana Dharma,  looking at your face . While hearing that how come your blood  doesn’t get

boiled to come forward and protect your own Dharma ? 

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