Swami Ram Dev Shines with an Exqusitc Simplicity and Power

via Dr Babu Suseelan published on June 4, 2011

Swami Ram Dev’s message is correct, clear, constructive and critical to save Bharat for us and for the future generation.  Throughout its 80-plus years everything the Congress Party touched has been marred with lies, destruction, corruption, tyranny, appeasement of Muslims, looting of Hindu temples, and death for Hindus. Our sacred culture, tradition, general systems philosophy, and principles have been violently destroyed and the country was divided and given to our enemies in a plate.
The Congress Party has been ruling India at the behest of foreign agencies and our original ethical-dharmic concepts and social structures have been disintegrated by force. They allowed missionaries and Jihadis to dictate the destiny of the Hindu majority.. Empathy, social harmony and living principles have been twisted and replaced with phony secularism. As a result Missionaries, Jihadis and Marxists working as agents for our destroyers were successful in spreading hatred, social conflict and division. The Congress rule by the uneducated, Italian Catholic lady Sonia Khan is the darkest and the most ridiculous page in our history.
Why these things happening in India? Hindus are brainwashed to believe in phony secularism, mindless universalism, irrational tolerance and dangerous compromise with deadly evil concepts, forces and misdeeds. Hindus in general behave like preprogrammed zombies following our deadly enemies. Instead of overthrowing the oppressors, they join with the tyrannical force and show Stockholm Syndrome and oppress fellow Hindus. Hindus have become passive, submissive and tolerant of oppression, corruption and immorality. At this time, if Hindus can join together and overthrow the Italian mafia gang we can prevent further tragedy.
It is time for each one of us to reflect on our principles correctly, clearly and examine whether our irrational tolerance, dangerous compromise and cowardice have made us accomplices in many tragedies that could have been avoided. It is our hope that those Hindus who are deceived by the Italian Sonia Congress will now see its evil intention clearly and purge its deadly poison. We need not indulge in pacifism, appeasement and, indifference. We need strength,  activism and assertive action and positive violence.
Future Hindus may well decide that the introduction fasting against massive political corruption by Swami Ram Dev was one of the most significant events in the twenty first century and that Swami Ram Dev was one of the most effective advocates against corruption, black money and political idifference.
This is a golden opportunity for common Hindus to join for massive awakening and positive and effective activism to retake our culture, country and ensure the survival of Hindus. rather than withdrawing from the social-political scene Hindus must unite and regain positive proud and show integrity, courage and activism more fully, more effectively. Join with Swami ram Dev’s movement for those Hindus whao waant to deepen and expand their Hindu awareness, unity and strength.

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