Swami Chidananda Puri Discourse for the first time in Bangalore on 26th January

via HK published on January 21, 2011

Swami Chidananda Puri, founder and head of Kolathoor Advaitha Ashram is visiting Bangalore for the first time. A lecture cum question answer program with Swamiji is organized by the voluntary organization Uthishta on 26th January 2011, at Saneeshwara Temple near HAL Ayyappa Temple between 5PM-8PM. The topic of discourse is “Sanathana Dharma in Daily Life”.

Swami Chidananda Puri being well known for his interfaith debates and also for his vast knowledge and experience on Sanathana Dharma, this is a golden opportunity for all of us to interact and learn from Swamiji. Also this is a good opportunity to learn on activities of  Kolathoor Advaitha Asharam.Request all HK readers from Bangalore to attend with family and also to spread this news to your kith and kin.

There are many inspiring video’s available on YouTube on Swamiji’s Samvadas and Prasnothari’s.  Swamiji has a very vast knowledge on Vedas and Puranas and he is blessed with a talent of explaining complex topics in a very simple manner.

Click here to listen Swami Chidananda Puri speeches

For more details on Kolathoor Advaitha Ashram’s activities, please visit the web site

To know more on Uthishta activities, please visit www.uthishta.org


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