Supreme Court questions secrecy on black money

via Dr Mrs Hilda Raja published on January 21, 2011

The UPA government is brazen and thick skinned. It would not have mattered if they are endowed by these but in this case it matters because the Prime Minister and his government are abetting looters and plunderers of the country. The height of patriotism for the government to hide behind the niceties of various international treaties and tell the country that it cannot reveal the names because then other countries will not trust us. But then to whom is the government is obliged- to other countries or to the people of this country? First of all no other country will distrust the government if it reveals because it will only hail such a step and praise the government’s firm and fair intention to return the looted money. Here we have a government promising other governments that it will not reveal the names but use it only for tax evasion. Strange logic. Did all the money looted fall under only tax evasion or does it not fall primarily under criminal and plain plunder. So that criminality must be first deal with and then comes the tax evasion.

It seems Manmohan Singh is hiding his friends-why is he so reluctant and giving all sorts of excuses even at the cost of violating his own oath to function without fear or favor? Denying the country the right to know the names of the looters and the plunderers is a crime. It is as simple as conspiring along with them to hurt the country. Mr Manmohan Singh’s patriotism is now at stake. The country cannot afford to have a PM whose patriotism is doubted and who complies with international treaties only to cheat his own country.

The list of those with black money stashed was given certainly not under confessional secrecy for the UPA government to hide the names. No other country would dare to do this. In fact not revealing the names only exposes the double standards-nay the fraud the government is indulging in and it will earn the disrespect of other countries. What was the Income tax department been doing and what has it so far done with all those tax evaders-like Hassan Ali Khan for example has to pay $8 billion which means 36 crores. How many years Mr PM will your Income tax department and Enforcement Directorate need to collect the arrears already pending before moving on to the list of the looters acquired under secrecy? We do not have faith that this government is keen on taking any action against the looters of our national wealth. So please publish the list and then we shall see the action the IT and the ED takes to collect the taxes.

This is the hall mark of the integrity of Mr Manmohan Singh-the honesty seeps out when he is unable to rein in his corrupt ministers and now when he is seeking shelter under international treatises not to disclose the nation’s looters. It is not the Congress’ money and there is no option for the PM but to reveal the names because he is obligated by his oath when he took over charge to protect the national interest. How can we tolerate a PM who so easily abdicates his primary duty and betrays the national interest?

Tell us Mr PM whom are you sheltering and shielding. This nation has tolerated your omissions and commissions for too long- inaction in corruption-the nation has been patient with you for your being a rubber stamp, the nation has overlooked your inability to say ‘no’ to the appointment of tainted person like P.J.Thomas. Under your government every constitutional institution has been violated .No PM has invited the SCs ’ strictures as Manmohan Singh has.

The nation has watched with agony the refusal of your government to institute the JPC in the Spectrum3 episode. The nation has lost its respect under you with the various scams heaped on it and now the people are groaning under the weight of the prices of food items. How long can the people go on accepting your failure as an economist, your failure as a statesman, your failure as a person of honesty and integrity, your failure to take strong and firm decisions? But this time your failure is something which the nation cannot take-that of your betrayal of the people-your lack of patriotism to safeguard the national wealth and national security of the people. You will go down in history as a PM who failed the people on all counts-unless you get the history to be written by the coterie of Congress men and women but the nation has no dearth of honest historians who will write a correct assessment of you as a PM under the shadow of Mrs Sonia Gandhi.

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