Summons issued to Hindu bashing Editor

via Vinay Joshi published on January 11, 2012

In a major breakthrough,Dapoli court today issued a summons to Marathi journalist and Hindu bashing former Loksatta editor Kumar Ketkar to be physically present before Dapoli court on 16th April 2012.While second hearing on defamation suit filed by social activist N R Shigwan,court ordered Dapoli Police Inspector to approach Kumar Ketkar to hand over summons.

Dapoli Court,after thoroughly studying the evidences produced by lawyer of Mr Shigwan,regarding objectionable comments made by Ketkar against judiciary,reached to the conclusion that there is substantial content in Ketkar’s articles which defames Indian Judiciary and RSS.Ketkar had wrote in a article that there are considerable RSS agents placed in a Indian Judiciary,which can twist and manipulate the decisions and judgement of Indian courts.If Ketkar can’t prove his allegations against Indian Judiciary,he might face stringent punishment in near future.

The only way out for Mr Kumar Ketkar is that,to apologize in public for his defamatory comments and to produce written apology to court,otherwise he would have to face legal difficulty.This is first court case Kumar Ketkar is facing in his life for his baseless series of articles targetting  Hindu Organizations.

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