Strong, aggressive Hindu approach teaches Muslim thugs lesson in Gangasagar

via published on October 1, 2011

Islamic religious persecutions on Hindus in the Indian state of Bengal are rising by leaps and bounds and one more incident with each day it passes proves the same horrendous episode more conspicuously. But if the same Hindus remain united and firm to teach Islamic felons a lesson, the reverse does take place without doubt and Ghona Jana’s, a Hindu youth, defiance, struggle along with other Hindus and victory over Muslim felons in Gangasagar, P.S. Gangasagar, authenticates it. Gangasagar, known across the globe for Sagar mela (fair), is positioned on the continental shelf of Bay of Bengal, about 150 km south of Kolkata.

On September 23, 2011in the evening a Muslim individual named Rashid telephoned Ghona and it was a wrong call on his part. When Ghona declined to talk to any such unknown person Rashid slanged him vehemently and Ghona also abused him in return. But any such insult (out of the blue) was unbearable for Ghona and hence, he called Rashid once more. Wife of Rashid, instead of him, picked up the phone and she was lambasted heavily. When Rashid was informed of all these, he, without further ado, reported to Ghona’s elder brother, who assured him to pacify the heated episode. Little did he know that Rashid was planning to teach Ghona a lesson.

On September 25, 2011 Rashid, during noon, got hold of Ghona in the Hindu village and thrashed him black and blue. As a reaction to this, Hindus in the area flogged Rashid also and any other Muslim who came forward to save him. Rashid got rescued only thanks to the timely intervention of aged Muslims, containing Muslim leader of his village too.

On September 27, 2011 a general meeting took place to restrain the rising animosity that had started to sour Hindu-Muslim harmony in the village too. Perhaps this was the first time when the Muslim village and its environs witnessed such a brawny, aggressive Hindu approach. Scores of members of both communities participated in the meeting but Hindus outnumbered Muslims. The same strong Hindu fervor was witnessed in the meeting as well and this was best expressed when Hindus unanimously accused Rashid of slanging, beating Ghona and also coming to the Hindu village intentionally.

Perceiving Hindu rage, village jurists found it wise to end the meeting. Muslims asked for forgiveness and also gave Rs. 500 to Ghona for his treatment.

A great victory indeed for the moribund Bengali Hindus (overall) and surely Hindus in Gangasagar have set a great instance, appreciable and exemplary.

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