published on December 1, 2013

Another young man has been brutally murdered at Kerala’s Marxist bedlam of Kannur.

The Left sickos paint all Hindu organisations with brush of violence as saffron terror.

All the while at their strong holds they have been quietly slaughtering Hindu youth and activists of political rivals like at West Bengal and Kerala.

Few even know that some whopping 1000 young Hindu activists, ideologues and leaders have been murdered in the most primitively savage ways at Kerala.

What emboldens them is not just their own muscle and brawn but also the Hindu organisations (mostly RSS) are committed to Non-retaliation and disown violence as a Political discourse.

Also unlike other communities, Hindus don’t retaliate or create riots. Most Hindus are oblivious of all this bloodshed as if it has nothing to do with them.

It is important to know why Political fanatics and Islamist radical cut throats periodically target and kill Hindu youth especially the activists at grass roots.

They do that simply to keep the Hindus slumber and snore to the approaching dangers of radical Islam and strangle hold of a defeated Communism.

They are afraid the activists will rouse the Hindus from their slumber and indifference and their games will be no longer possible.

They do this to terrorize Hindus so they stay away from this Hindu awakening movement.

By remaining silent and ignoring this we are actually letting anti-hindu forces to slowly insidiously gain on our society and deliver us at Hell’s doors – so what we see happening to Kashmir’s Hindu community and Bangladehsi, Pakistani Hindus will happen and it becomes too late when this is realized to reverse or escape.

So it is very crucial that Hindus voice their protest and put an end to this mindless violence as a Political discourse unleashed on these poor hindu youth.

Most of them are from poor lower middle class Hindu families and often the sole bread winners.

Many a Hindu family has gone to seeds simply because a hero among family hold went to do some organizing Hindu society works.

It is high time past we stand up and vehemently protest the Red wolves of India and put an end to this most vile, most barbaric and most inhumane of Political fanaticism.

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