Stop Omar’s Nonsense

via GSK Menon published on June 21, 2010

The Kashmir government headed by separatist oriented Omar Abdullah has done it again, he has now imposed fresh crippling taxes on Amarnath bound vehicles. The idea is to make the pilgrimages beyond the reach of the common Hindu, and also to make Amarnath out of bounds for Hindus.

Predictably our English media & TV channels are keeping quiet. If there is one death of a militant they create an uproar as if heavens have fallen. Look at Iran, they have executed two Paki militants operating in their country, but see the fate of our country, Kasab is enjoying Biriyani and Afsal is relishing Kababs. The Congress will ruin this country.
All Hindus should organise a protest march to Parliament House and demand withdrawal of AMARNATH JAZIYA. Muslims can enjoy Haj subsidy but Hindus have to pay to pray at Amarnath, what law is this ? Hindu organisations should approach the Supreme Court immediately to stop Omar’s nonsense.

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