Stop the criminal games of the Congress Party

via Dr Babu Suseelan published on June 6, 2011

The Congress Party, headed by the uneducated Italian catholic Sonia and her corrupt political cronies are playing criminal games with Indian citizens for a long time. They act like hardened criminals. The arrest of Swami Ram Dev and disruption of his campaign against black money and corruption remind us of games common criminals play. Imagine that a sex predator broke into a home and raped a teen age girl. At the trial, the deviant sex predator defends himself by arguing that he did not kill the girl, only raped her. Because killing is worse than raping, the criminal argues that he is innocent and should not be punished for his offending behavior. The sex offender wants the public to praise him for raping and giving pleasure to the girl but not killing.

This logic sounds ridiculous. However the Congress Party headed by the Italian catholic Sonia in defense of disrupting Swami Ram Dev’s campaign against black money, corruption and his arrest is exactly the same as that of the sex offender. The corrupt Congress Party has argued that the arrest of Swami Ram Dev and subsequent police action avoided a potential “public disorder”. In order to prevent public disorder lathy charge, tear gas use and arrest of Swami Ram Dev was thus justified. It is a classic example of deceptive politicians who are masters in “ruling by fooling”.

Looting public money or disrupting peaceful fasting against corruption, which one is better? For Corrupt politicians to ask such foolish question indicates how shameless the Congress party is. The general public had that “gut-level-feeling” that something was wrong but couldn’t put their finger on it. The Congress Party has been playing criminal games on Indian people for a long time. Only by knowing how to recognize criminal games played by the corrupt politicians and looting schemes devised by political parties both inside and outside the government, can Indian citizens protect themselves from possible great losses.

 Swami Ram Dev ran an exciting marathon with new challenges around every bend. The Congress Government has created obstacles on every way to dismantle the race against corruption, looting, hawala operations and mafia organizations. Hindus have been subjugated, oppressed, the country was invaded, temples destroyed men, and women, children and elderly people were beheaded and forcefully converted for thousands of years. When will the majority Hindus learn from our history? Since Hindus are passive, submissive and follow the footsteps of corrupt rulers, the Congress criminals were ruling the country by fooling Hindus. The criminal games the corrupt politicians play need to be stopped by force. It is high time for Hindus to put on their track shoes and go for the targeted goals. Never stop believing in what the criminal politicians say. Never quit until the mafia gang is thrown out. Our Dharma requires us to fight against evil forces bent on destroying our culture, country and our civilization.

 We have the right to be angry about the way corrupt politicians are looting our wealth. May be in retrospect it seems incomprehensible that anyone ever believed–the power of the masses would work. Power (Shakti) and goal directed action is what we needed now. Our incompetent, corrupt and crooked politicians are conspiring to rob our future, but now they lacked the political wherewithal to put a stop to the momentum created by Swami Ram Dev. Our elders have been tolerating evil forces, miscreants, mindless Marxists, corrupt politicians, crooks, mafia gang and missionary misfits. They turned inward rather than fighting evil forces. At their worst, they regarded the decay of political institutions with ironic detachment. May be now Hindus wish our parents and grandparents hadn’t been tolerating and compromising with criminal thinkers, invaders, and plunderers. What can we learn from their mistakes? The lessons are obvious. Corrupt politicians, criminal thinkers, and mafia gang act without fear, shame, guilt and any remorse. They should be cornered, contained and a force continuum shall be applied to save Bharat Mata.

It is high time for nationalist Hindus to break the wall of denial and avoid the fashionable cynicism. Avoid apathy and ignorance and take hands on approach to bettering our nation. Hindus must find their voice and become a vital part of direct, goal directed political-social-cultural action. Our time is coming. Never allow our time to be distracted by pseudo-secular media with phony issues and gridlocked by anti national criminals.

Although the need is acute, the will to effect change and overthrow the liars, cheaters and looters through massive public protest has been eroding. Many Hindus do not want to participate in political protest and have become passive spectators in the destruction of our country. Despite the emergence of Jihadi terrorism, coercive religious conversion, foreign interference in media manipulation and social reconstruction through bribery and the lethargy and incompetence of our corrupt political leaders, there is a sharp decline in focused, targeted, goal directed protest movements in India. The sense of eradicating corruption, Hindu temple wealth looting, conversion, and hawala transaction through legislation no longer seems a likely option.

 Finally, realize that we are all in this together. We have not only a right but a duty to stand up to those who would steal our wealth, demoralize our people and destroy our country. It is not a burden but an opportunity to dismantle the current government headed by the Italian mafia lady. In our art and thought, let us join together to achieve our full capacity for dealing responsibly and imaginatively to wipe out the corrupt system. All around us is the sound of moral decay, tolerance of intolerance, phony secularism, and sound bites of the anti Hindu media. Bharat Mata is crying for help. Let us save her.


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