Sri Sitaramji Agrawal VHP Central Secretary and All India Sewa Chief passes away

published on November 11, 2009

Sri Sitaramji Agrawal (85),Vishva Hindu Parishad Central Secretary and Akhil Bharatiya Seva Pramukh passes away

Our deeply loved & profoundly cherished Sri Sitaramji Agrawal (b. 1924, March 16) found his peace and left for his heavenly abode at 05.00 A.M. on November 03, 2009 at his hometown Kota (Rajasthan, Bharat) leaving us all Karyakartas deeply saddened and in shock, while celebrating a life fully lived that brought joy to so many – especially the needy people in the remote areas of Bharat who got the divine music of his loving care, warmth and compassion. He was fully conscious till his last breath and satisfied that he tried to do his bit for the welfare of the needy brethren and consolidation of the Putraroop Samaj of Bharat.

He was a Central Secretary and Akhil Bharatiya Seva Pramukh of Vishva Hindu Parishad. He functioned from the Int’L HQs of VHP at New Delhi. Inspired by Ma. Ashokji Singhal, President, VHP, Sri Sitaramji led the establishment of the vast and growing network of 4,200 VHP Seva Projects and other Service Activities all over Bharat. He served VHP’s Seva work with great dedication and passion for the last 25 years.

Sri Sitaramji, a chemical engineer from HBTI-Kanpur by training but a Samaj Shilpi (Social Engineer) by choice and passion, was a man of culture and had great empathy with the underprivileged, oppressed and ignored – especially among the remote Vanavasi and Girivasi (tribal) brethren – and deeply cared for their all round welfare – physical, mental, intellectual, spiritual, socio-economic, et al. His watch word was that in the land of Jagannath and Vishwanath (Lord of the Universe), nobody must remain an ‘Anaath’ (orphan; without a protector; helpless). He was a true Deenbandhu (Friend of the Poor) and a role model for all our Seva Workers and other Karyakartas. He mobilised Bhaamaashaahs (affluent nationalists) and other Daanveers for the emancipation of the needy brethren. During his illustrious life time, he even used to inspire like-minded people and others to donate for and/or patronise SEVA activities of VHP to honour the memory of and give peace to their dear Divangat Aatmaa (deceased), instead of expending on flowers and gifts. The world needs more such dedicated & committed men and women to lead the cause of Seva Dharma in the world. Maa Bhaarati has lost one of Her altruist sons, Hindu society one of its leading figures and VHP its Seva Leader.  

He firmly believed in the signature tune and motto of Hindu scriptures articulated by Bhagwan Vyasdev that: “Paropakaaraaya PUNYAAYA, Paapaaya Para Peedanam” [Serving the needy is a great PUNYA (best of spiritual merits), and harming the innocent is wickedness and an unpardonable sin.]. He believed that “Seva” earns “Punya” and this is verily the universal/cosmic currency that takes a man well through this life as well as life in the other worlds. Our Shaastras also say: “Na hi Kalyaana Krita Kaschit Durgatim Tat Gachchhati” (The do-gooders always have upward spiritual mobility).

Our deepest condolences to his Sahadharmini, elder son, younger son and all family members who have been a source of great strength and support during his long service mission and the last days of his brief illness. We have to bow before the inscrutable designs of the Almighty! We pray to Sri Sachchidanand Bhagwan to grant the departed noble soul a pride of place in Baikunth Dham and strength to the bereaved family to bear the irreparable loss!

Condolence messages could be sent to any one of the following addresses:-

Shri Mukul Agrawal (elder son)
B-15/181, Pharma Apartment,
Patparganj, New Delhi-110 092
Bharat (India)
E-Mail: [email protected]
Ph: 00-91-11-22241326   


Shri Harish Agrawal (younger son)
A-270, Talwandi
Kota-324 005, Rajasthan, Bharat (India)
Ph: 09414187286, 0744-2421569, 2428880

“Om Purnamadah Purnamidam Purnaat Purnamudachyate,

Purnasya Purnamaadaaya Purnamevaavashishyate.”

Om Shaantih, Shaantih, Shaantih !

[The Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Absolute Sachchidanand (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss) Paramaatman is Poornam (Infinite/Absolute and All Comprehensive). The Aatman (Individual/Micro Self) is nevertheless Poornam as Paramaatman’s infinity & omnipresence is Aatman’s omnipresence. The Poornam (Aatman – Individual Self) manifests from the Poornam (Paramaatman – Cosmic/Macro Self). The Aatman is just as much a part of Paramaatman now as it ever will be. Poornam (Absolute), nevertheless, remains Poornam (Absolute) when Poornam (Aatman – Micro Self) is subtracted from it.

Om! Peace be upon the Individual, May there be Peace in Humanity, May there be Peace in Mother Nature! ]
In grief,
Arvind Chauthaiwale
Central Joint Secretary
Vishva Hindu Parishad
Akhil Bharatiya Saha Sewa Pramukh
Central Office: Sankat Mochan Ashram
Ramakrishna Puram, Sector-6
New Delhi – 110 022, Bharat (India)
Tel: +91-11-26195366; Mobile-9968288099
E-Mail: [email protected]

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