Sonia’s sisters interferes in the functioning of Ministries – Dr Swamy

published on November 19, 2011

Interference in the functioning of various ministries by Ms. Anushka Vinci and Ms. Nadia (sisters of Sonia G) – Swamy’s letter to PM

November 18, 2011.

Dr. Manmohan Singh,
Prime Minister of India,
South Block,
New Delhi.

Dear Prime Minister:

I write this letter to inform you that well-placed members of your Government have expressed to me in confidence their disgust and sorrow at the open interference into the functioning of various Ministries by the two sisters of Ms Sonia Gandhi, namely, Ms Anushka Vinci and Ms Nadia who are Italians citizens but now frequently reside in 10, Janpath, New Delhi which premises had been allotted to their sister Ms Sonia Gandhi.

The problem is the undue and uncalled for interference by these two ladies. This has national security implications since not only they are citizens of a foreign country (Italy) but their activities in Dubai and London reveal their contacts with unsavoury and anti-Indian characters. Their mode of travel by private jet which are owned by dubious characters accentuate the national security threat. As you know that the conditions of their Indian visa do not permit these activities and in fact warrant the cancellation of their visas.

Hence I request you to make a suitable enquiry by officers of RAW and Intelligence Bureau who are known not to have improper proximity with the family of Ms Sonia Gandhi and her siblings. I strongly urge you to see that these ladies be deported from India to Italy if they continue such activities.

Best Regards,

Yours sincerely,


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