Sonia interfering with law enforcement against Italian killers of Kerala fishermen? – Dr. Swamy

via Statement of Dr. Subramanian Swamy, published on February 21, 2012

The facts surrounding the wanton killing by Italian snipers abroad  on Italian Tanker ship  of two innocent Kerala fishermen requires firm action by the Government of India especially in view of the fact that the UPA Chairperson Ms.Sonia Gandhi is of Italian origin and  is actively seeking to meddle in this case through  the PMO’s  Mr. Pullok Chatterjee, currently Secretary to the Prime Minister.

I therefore demand that the Government of India take a firm line with the Italian Government on the question of diplomatic immunity now that the Italian Government has made that absurd claim.  Wanton murder does not entitle any country diplomatic immunity at the investigation and charge sheeting  stage.

This is the occasion when the Prime Minister must assert the true sovereignty of the nation especially because the firing took place just 11 kilometers of the coast of Kerala on eleven fishermen in a small fishing boat, nine of whom were visibly asleep.  It has to be determined whether the Italian snipers who killed two of the innocent fishermen were at that time drunk and treating the poor fishermen as target practice for that firing.  We should no more allow repeat of what happened in Purulia arms drop case when the Government abjectly surrendered to the British Government.  Modern India is not mentally any more a captive of the Whites of Europe. It is time such  firm signal was sent to Europe.


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