Sonia has brought down the historic stature, reputation and dignity of the Congress Party :Shri V Kalyanam

published on November 7, 2012


When Sonia Gandhi became the de facto Prime Minister of India, I wrote in the News Today, an Eveninger published from Chennai that the Age of Orderly Constitutional Governance has ended; the Draconian Age of corrupt, unconstitutional, lawless and chaotic governance has begun. The Indian National Congress Party has become a Servants of Sonia Society. Gopal Krishna Gokhale who started the Servants of India Society nearly hundred years ago in 1905 would be turning in his grave after knowing about this disgraceful state of the Indian National Congress today. Gokhale’s intention was to spiritualize India’s public life. Firangi Memsahib Sonia Gandhi’s only intention is to criminalize India’s public life and to convert India into a failed state where they can continue to indulge in their unhindered large-scale loot and plunder for a long time to come.

Against this background, one must understand and appreciate the implications of the expose done by that indefatigable and heroic public fighter Dr Subramanian Swamy against the Himalayan corruption of the Antonia Edwidge Maini a.k.a Sonia Gandhi and her son Rahul Gandhi two days ago. No political party is legally allowed to function as a financial institution for advancing loans for doing commercial business or promotion of commercial transactions. Sonia’s unconcealed contempt for the Indian Constitution, Indian Penal Code, CrPC, Indian Citizenship Laws is both nationally and internationally known. Her global stature as an intellectual giant who is always in the run for a Nobel Prize is better known. In her case IQ means not just Intelligence Quotient. It also means Immorality Quotient; Irregularity Quotient; Illegality Quotient; Intriguing Quotient; Insolence Quotient; and finally Intimidation Quotient. I am not therefore surprised that she has asked a few of her chamchas ““ I mean, the non-descript Directors, (ever in dancing attendance and in cheerful bonded labour!) in the fraudulent company promoted by her and the Crown Prince-in-waiting have threatened to file defamation cases against Dr Subramanian Swamy, President of the Janata Party. The inviolable fact is that properties worth more than 1,600 crores of Rupees have been purchased by the Italian mother and son for just Rs 50 Lakhs. 38% of the shares in this newly acquired private company called Young Indian is held by Sonia Gandhi; another 38 % of the shares is held by her son Rahul Gandhi. The AICC has advanced an interest-free loan of Rs 90 Crores to settle the existing liabilities of The Associated Journals Ltd (AJL), the erstwhile owners of National Herald (English daily), Qaumi Awaz (Urdu daily), and National Herald International Weekly. At an AICC meeting chaired by Sonia Gandhi in her capacity as President of the Indian National Congress, this interest-free loan of Rs 90 Crores has been written off, thus clearing the decks for both Sonia Gandhi and her son to become the owners of property worth Rs 1600 Crores of property belonging to AJL.

These two “˜great’ “˜leaders’ cast in a grand and historic mould want the myriad millions of India to believe that their only patriotic intention is to revive a famous newspaper called National Herald which was started by Jawaharlal Nehru in UP in 1938!

Against this none-too-civil, to be more precise, patently sordid and criminal background, I spoke to Shri V. Kalyanam who had the privilege of working as Personal Secretary to Mahatma Gandhi from 1944 to 30th January 1948. Later, he worked for a short while under Lady Mountbatten when she was the Chairman of the United Council for Relief and Welfare. When Rajaji formed the Swatantra Party in 1959, Shri V. kalyanam functioned as Rajaji’s personal aide. I am giving below the summary of my interview with Shri V. Kalyanam on the most benevolent, most exalted, most patriotic, most self-sacrificing and Sacred-Trust like non-commercial transaction, in world business history, concluded by Sonia Gandhi and her son Rahul Gandhi.

My Question: Good Morning, Kalyanamji! Have you seen the Press Statement of Dr Swamy regarding Sonia Gandhi & Rahul Gandhi’s acquisition of The Associated Journals Ltd, which is the owner and publisher of National Herald (English daily), Qaumi Awaz (Urdu daily), and National Herald International Weekly for a whacking price of Rs 50 Lakhs?

Kalyanam’s Answer: Of course, I have read his Statement in all the newpapers. I also saw the Times Now TV Channel two days ago and I was very happy to see the expose of Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi done by Dr Subramanian Swamy.

My Question: Are you aware of any irregularities, illegalities and immoralities in this deal?

Kalyanam’s Answer: Of course. First of all, no political party can function like a commercial bank or private financial institution and advance loans for private businesses. In this case, the AICC giving a loan of Rs 90 Crores to The Associated Journals Ltd to settle their existing liabilities is a patently illegal action, which calls for the initiation of deterrent action by the Election Commission of India against the AICC. In my view, the Election Commission of India should issue a Show Cause Notice to Sonia Gandhi, the President of the Indian National Congress, as to why the recognition given to her Party should not be withdrawn.

My Question: Are you aware of the fact that three Sonia-supplicant Directors of Young Indian have threatened to file Defamation Suits against Dr Swamy?

Kalyanam’s Answer: I am quite amused. If a Defamation Case can be filed against an Individual for publicly airing patent facts relating to the shady business deals of Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi — solid facts obtained officially from the Registrar of Companies under the Right to Information Act — then the minions of Sonia Gandhi may have to file similar suits against the Registrar of Companies, the Chief Information Commissioner and the President of India too. They may also have to file a suit against the Indian Parliament for having passed the Right to Information Act, 2005!!!

My Question: What is your view on Sonia Gandhi, President of Congress party using the funds of AICC for acquiring majority shares of a private company in the name of herself and her son?

Kalyanam’s Answer: First of all, she has brought down the historic stature, reputation and dignity of the Congress Party of yester years. All that you need to do is to substitute the galaxy of great Congress leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Rajaji, Rajendra Prasad, Sardar Vallabhai Patel, Acharya Kriplani, Jayaprakash Narain and others with Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, Digvijay Singh, Ahmed Patel, Oscar Fernandez, P. Chidambaram, etc to understand the deplorable depths to which the Congress Party has sunk under the supremely selfish, lawless, chaotic, unpatriotic, anti-national, anti-social and crassly corrupt leadership of Sonia Gandhi. Even if the Congress Party loses every election in India in the next 25 years, she will still continue to be the President of the Congress Party without being challenged by anyone in her party.

My Question: I have read about the last wish of Mahatma Gandhi just before his assassination. His wish was that the Congress Party should be wound up because it had fulfilled its historic role of obtaining Independence for our country. Can you enlighten me more on this subject? I am putting this question only because today the Congress Party has brought nothing but infamy to our great country in the comity of nations.

Kalyanam’s Answer: Just a week before Mahatma’s assassination on 30th January 1948 Mahatma Gandhi had dictated a Note to me: “The Congress should be wound up as a Political Party. In order to Govern the country in its new situation, we have to form a new political party called the LOK SEVAK SANGH. Lok Sevak Sangh, means an organization to serve the people of India. At the same time he had also proposed a number of Do’s and Don’ts for the Government of India for immediate implementation in order to realise his lofty dream of “wiping every tear from every eye”. They were,
A) Introduction of immediate prohibition,
B) Ban horse racing and
C) Ban all public lotteries
Mahatma Gandhi was of the view that the evils of drinking, horse racing and public lotteries were shattering the lives of the poor people of India.

My Question: We are all aware of the fact that the Congress Party has not been wound up as advised by Mahatma Gandhi. Excepting in Gujarat, there is no Prohibition anywhere else in the country. The State Governments are the chief traders of liquor in India. Sale and distribution of lotteries and evils of horse racing are still continuing to affect the lives of our poor people. Against this bad and sad background, what has happened to the formation of the Lok Sevak Sangh?

Kalyanam’s Answer: Indian National Congress has today degenerated into Italian National Congress. AICC no longer means All India Congress Committee. It only means All India Cheats Committee! I am saying this only because of the spate of scams which have hit our country as an epidemic of plague, small pox and cholera of bygone days, under the Most Hon’ble Helmsmanship of Sonia Gandhi. In view of all these gigantic scams, the Congress Party under the dictatorial leadership of Sonia Gandhi — a woman without any public or social conscience — has become politically, intellectually, ethically and morally bankrupt.

My Question: I remember your quoting the prophetic words of the great sage and seer Rajaji which he wrote in his “˜Jail Dairies, which he wrote in 1922, Twenty Five years before Independence. How very clairvoyant was the great CR? Can you kindly recall those words?

Kalyanam’s Answer: You are absolutely right. Rajaji clearly saw the depths of degradation to which we would sink as a nation after our Independence. I can distinctly recall the following words of Rajaji in 1922.

We all ought to know that Swaraj will not at once or, I think, even for a long time to come, be better government or greater happiness for the people. Elections and their corruptions, injustice, and the power and tyranny of wealth, and inefficiency of administration, will make a hell of life as soon as freedom is given to us. Men will look regretfully back to the old regime of comparative justice, and efficient, peaceful, more or less honest administration.

“The only thing gained will be that as a race we will be saved from dishonour and subordination. Hope lies only in universal education by which right conduct, fear of god, and love, will be developed among the citizens from childhood. It is only if we succeed in this that Swaraj will mean happiness. Otherwise it will mean the grinding injustices and tyranny of wealth.”


Having worked closely as a valet of Mahatma Gandhi, My sincere and fervent prayer is that Bharat Mata should be immediately liberated from the fell clutches of all FAKE GANDHIS. This requires no elaboration or explanation in the dark days of Sonia Gandhi.

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