Sonia Cong’s blitzkrieg evangelisation through RBI

via published on May 24, 2007


        President Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826), by no means a communal and saffronised barbarian like myself, wrote in the 18th century: ‘The Christian God is cruel, vindictive, capricious and unjust.’ If I can suitably adapt those beautiful words to the Indian context today, the Christian Symbols politically promoted by the UPA government through its ‘guided missile’ coinage programme, are viewed as no less cruel, vindictive, capricious and unjust by more than one billion Hindus (800 millions in majority in India) in the world today. As an illiterate (With no Cambridge University qualification to boot and duly sanctified by the Supreme Court of India), ‘superstitious’, ‘communal’, ‘non-secular’, ‘half-savage’, ‘uncivilised’, ‘pagan’ and ‘heathen’ Hindu, I had in these columns written an article on 21 March, 2007 under the title ‘AN ASSAULT ON THE SOUL OF THE NATION’ completely exposing the nefarious and dubious designs of the Catholic-Sonia directed soulless surrogate UPA government of India to Evangelize India in a brazen, brash and brutal manner by inscribing a Christian Cross on 2 Rupee Coins minted in 2005-2006. To recall my own words from that article: ‘.. When, I got a new 2 Rupee Coin minted in 2006 as loose change towards the balance that was payable to me, I was shell-shocked to clearly see on one side of the coin the inscription of a Christian Cross which had replaced the map of India. I asked myself a highly communal question: Are we living in a Catholic country like Italy or Spain or Portugal where Roman Catholicism is the religion of the State and the people?’

        Ever since the UPA government under the dynastic stranglehold of Sonia Gandhi came to power in New Delhi in May 2004, it has been following a calculated and damnable policy of debasement of peace-loving Hindus which I have often described times without number as ‘Christianity-coveting, Islam-embracing and Hindu-hating’ in stance, posture, ideology, philosophy, programme and action.

        After enacting the lurid Christian drama of deliberately inscribing a Christian Cross on 2 Rupee Coins, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has now widely circulated new 1 Rupee Coins minted in 2005 which leaves no one in any doubt about the organised Grand Evangelization of India Programme of the UPA government of India. Any one can see that on one side of this new 1 Rupee coin, the symbol of Christian Cross has been clearly inscribed. I am presenting below the two sides of the 1 Rupee Coin minted in 2005.

        I am convinced that Hinduism and Hindus are under siege today – they are besieged by the organised Christianity-Caressing, Islam-Embracing and Hindu-Hating might of the UPA government. The UPA government is out to belittle them, to insult them, to degrade them, to marginalise them and finally to decimate and destroy them. More than one billion Hindus in India and rest of the world are getting to understand that the surrogate UPA government of India under an impotent, inefficient, inelegant and inept Prime Minister is functioning as the authorised representative of the Pope in Rome, under the over all Generalissimo of a De Jure Roman Catholic Prime Minister from Italy, to convert the whole of India into a Roman Catholic country. The Reserve Bank of India is functioning as one of the lethal instruments of this culturally poisonous process of Evangelization of India.

        I have gathered authentic information to the effect that under specific anti-Hindu directions from the UPA government in New Delhi, many officers in the Department of Currency Management in the RBI have been working as effective instruments for advancing the cause of Evangelization of India planned and plotted by Sonia of Sonia Congress Party. One of my friends who retired as an officer at a high level from the Department of Currency Management in the RBI has told me that the Monetary Museum set up by the RBI in Bombay has taken special care to run down Hindu heritage and tradition. Here are the startling facts about this Monetary Museum furnished to me by that officer:

        A. The museum has more coins issued by Muslim invaders after 1000 AD than those issued by native Hindu rulers in different parts of India from the dawn of Indian history.

        B. The descriptive texts for most of the numismatic items are based upon the anti-Hindu text book of Romilla Thapar – a Congress Party-sponsored Leftist historian from Jawaharlal Nehru University. She does not know a word of Sanskrit and yet she chooses to comment on the Vedas and the ancient Hindu Literature of India based upon the translations and interpretations of British and European scholars in the 19th century who were only paid agents of British Imperialism. Max Mueller (1823-1900) was one of those agents. Romilla Thapar is his spiritual heir today, acting as the spokesman for the anti-Hindu political agenda of the Congress Party!

        C. Many of the RBI Officers in the Department of Currency Management seem to be in filial love with Mohammad Ali Jinnah (1876-1948) who created Pakistan. In the RBI Monetary Museum the Partition of India is shown with two walls, with the name of two nations, with Pakistan being shown on a higher wall and India on a lower wall. I view it as an organised act of national disrespect. Perhaps the Islam-embracing UPA government wanted it that way. No other logical explanation is possible.

        D. The Monetary Museum does not make any reference to the coinage of Vedic India i.e. Nishka.

        E. The detailed process of making the Punch Marked Coins as recorded by Chanakya in his Arthashastra has been deliberately blacked out in the Monetary Museum.

        F. Generally coins issued by the invaders of India have been displayed as shining artifacts of our great heritage and not those issued by the native Hindu rulers from all parts of India.

        G. The Monetary Museum does not start with the evolution of Indian Coinage but with ‘What is Money?’, as if this is a sterile and dismal economic matter and not one relating to our glorious cultural heritage.

        My friend and editor of BHARATIYA PRAGNA from Hyderabad, Dr T Hanuman Chowdary had sought a clarification from the RBI in regard to the Christian Cross on 2 Rupee Coins which I had highlighted in these columns on 21 March, 2007. I am reproducing below the reply given to Dr Chowdary by U S Paliwal, Chief General Manager on 18 April 2007: ‘Please refer to your e-mail letter dated 6 April, 2007 forwarding a copy of the article written by Shri.V.Sundaram regarding the design of the new 2 Rupee Coin. In this connection, we reproduce below extracts of the Government of India Gazette Notification dated 23 June, 2005 explaining the design of Rupees 2 Coins. ‘The reverse of the coin contains the visuals showing stylized representation of ‘Unity in diversity’ a defining characteristic of our country. The symbol shall be seen as four heads sharing a common body. It shall be thought of as people from all parts of the country coming together under one banner and identifying with one nation. The visual code helps the user connect with an individual denomination, which makes the process of identification quicker.’

        In my view the clarification issued by the RBI smacks of anti-Hindu Pseudo-Secularism and political Scoundralism at its most bestial level for which the anti-national Private Limited Company called the Congress Party has been made world famous by Sonia Gandhi today.

        The UPA government under the stranglehold of anti-Hindu Sonia Gandhi is showing a contemptuous disregard for time-honoured Hindu human freedom, Hindu dignity and Hindu spiritual and political self-determination. Through vicious pseudo-secular ploys, plots, programmes and policies it is working round the clock to control, contain and confine government directed spirituality to Islamic and Christian grooves, indirectly forcing all the Hindus of India into impotent grovellers in their own native home land.

        Carefully weighing the political machinations and maneuveres of Sonia Gandhi to use the fleeting might of the UPA government for imposing the overriding process of enforced Evangelization of India, I cannot help saying that she derives her inspiration from Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus (280-337 AD). He is commonly known as Constantine I, (among Roman Catholics) and Constantine the Great, or Saint Constantine (among Eastern Orthodox Christians). Constantine is best known for being the first Christian Roman Emperor. Constantine is also remembered for convoking the Council of Nicaea in 325, which has been hailed as one of the most important landmark events in the development of the Christian religion. In 324, Constantine announced his decision to transform Byzantium into Nova Roma and on 11 May, 330, he officially proclaimed the city as the new capital of the Roman Empire. The city was renamed Constantinople, The City of Constantine, after Constantine’s death in 337. Constantinople was the first Christian city in the world, as no pagan temples or sites were permitted to exist or remain in that city. It remained the capital of the Byzantine Empire for over a thousand years, until Ottoman Turks captured the city in 1453 and eventually renamed it Istanbul.

        More than 800 millions of Hindus in majority would like to declare to the UPA government today: ‘Pray do not play with us; pray do not trifle with us; pray do not toy with us; pray do not belittle us with pseudo-secular impunity; pray remember that our time-honoured self respect is made of such hard stuff that it can stand your continued onslaught on us and would never get diminished by your contempt or hatred or indifference. We shall not weaken or tire. We shall not flag or fail. Neither the sudden attacks of our enemies nor the long drawn out exertions of vigilance will wear us down. Unflinching, unswerving, indomitable, inflexible and irrepressible we shall remain, now and for ever and ever!’

        (The writer is a retired IAS officer)

        e-mail the writer at [email protected]

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