So Called ‘Anger In The Valley’

via GSK Menon published on August 12, 2010

Have you all noticed, all newspapers and TV channels have one common theme about Kashmir – “Anger In The Valley”, what is it and who should be really angry ?
Pakistan inspired separatists have stepped up pressure in the valley by resorting to a simple technique of creating one riot everyday. In this manner the valley is constantly on the edge and there is international coverage everyday, thereby ensuring bad name for India. Our media never thinks, they are constantly fishing for “Breaking News”. Nothing is more catchy than report of some police firing and resultant death. More drama follows, cremation process, thousands marching in protest, violent stone throwing and destruction. This is a set pattern like some film director is scheduling the scenes and sequences. The inevitable caption in the TV & Press – “Anger In The Valley”.
Who should be really angry ? These Paki funded separatists or the evicted Kashmiri Pandits ? Thousands of docile Kashmiri Pandits have been killed, raped and kicked out of their ancestral homes because the Paki inspired separatists wanted an exclusive Muslim Kashmir. The first step was to expel the Pandits. There is nobody to support these helpless Pandits, not a single Politican from UPA, no Human Rights, no Minority Rights. Are these Pandits not a Minority in Kashmir ? What perverted logic denies them the status of Minorities in Kashmir ? Why are we tax payers paying for a grandiose Minorities Commission in New Delhi ? To appease the Muslims and other desert faiths only ? Is it not the Kashmiri PANDITS WHO SHOULD BE FURIOUS ? But there is no TV or Press to write or interview them daily. No Rajdeep Sardesai, no Barkha Dutt, no Pranoy Roy, no Chidambaram to offer them love and affection, no Manmohan Singh to feel their pain and anguish.

The voiceless Pandits need the support of Hindus and Hindu organisations. Let us also speak out for the people of Jammu and Ladakh. There is no anger in the valley, the anger is only in the minds of Paki inspired separatists, do not bother about them, they all deserve to be machine gunned like the Chinese did at Tiananmen Square.

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