Sleepless nights ahead for the Corrupted – ” Anti Corruption Front” formed

via PRESS RELEASE – Vivekananda International Foundation published on April 3, 2011

The 2 days seminar on Black Money and Corruption issues concluded with an announcement of an “Anti Corruption Front” .

Swami Ramdev will be the Patron of this newly announced front with Noted Thinker & Political Ideologue K N Govindacharya as its Convener together with Prof. R Vaidyanathan of IIM Bangalore and Shri Bhure Lal as Co-Conveners

Other members of this front would include S Gurumurthy, Shri Ajit Doval, Shri Ved Pratap Vaidik, and Shri Bhishm Agnihotri.

Declaring an all out war on corruption, Swami Ramdev mentioned that this front would continue to deliberate on wider issues of corruption chalking future strategies and  will also shortly announce immediate actionable programs. This front will reach out to likeminded anti corruption organizations, institutions and individuals inviting them to join this initiative ensuring all efforts stand united.

Swami Ramdev requested all concerned now to rise over their respective ideologies and identities to join this war on corruption

The seminar organized by Vivekananda International Foundation in association with well known civil society leaders and opinion makers including Dr. Subramanian Swamy, K N Govindacharya, S.Gurumurthy, Prof. R. Vaidyanathan, Ajit Doval saw heavy attendance by institutions and social activists over 2 days.

Earlier inaugurated on 1st April by Former Chief Justice M N Venkatachaliah, it was attended by  Former Chief Justice J.S Verma, Subhash Kashyap and Former CEC N. Gopalaswamy.  

Other experts who deliberated across panel sessions over 2 days included Former CBI Chief Joginder Singh, B R Lal, Amb. Satish Chandra, Vijai Kapoor, M D Nalapat, Prof. Arun Kumar, Bhure Lal, and Dr. Jai Prakash Narayan.

International delegates included Rolland Lomme, David Spencer, Nuria Molina sharing their experiences on tax heavens and black money trails

The Speakers at the convention focused on corruption as a core issue affecting national interest in diverse ways, including national economy, its security and integrity. The Speakers emphasized on the menace of Indian black money that has been stashed, estimated at $472 Billions abroad – much of it sourced in “corruption kickbacks and crime” and on the method of recovering back the money. This kind of capital brought back to the nations can change the face of India.

The most vital suggestion that was made by Justice Venkatachaliah was to enact an ordinance to nationalize all undeclared Indian assets abroad with the right that anyone may prove that he acquired his assets legitimately.

Justice Verma emphasized that for the top man being just honest is not enough. If you cannot check dishonesty, there is no point in being honest and one should better quit.

Shri. Gurumurthy and Subramanian Swamy also deliberated upon how international black money tops $23 trillions and has been laundered and used in the open economy through tax havens; they also deliberated upon the fact that most of the global black money belongs to Asia but used and invested in the West which has therefore a vested interest in keeping status quo despite severe opposition from the rest of the world.

Many speakers had mentioned the Hasan Ali and Quattarochi cases and also the exposures by magazines like Schweizer Illustrierte of Switzerland and by writers like Yuvegina Albalts of Russia which show families of former Prime Ministers having funds abroad.

N Gopalaswamy stressed on the need of enabling the election commission to make laws, in the line of SEBI or IRDA.

Subhash Kashyap pointed out that there is national crisis of character and values like honesty, integrity, spirit of service and sacrifice in public life.

Shri K N Govindacharya exhorted the need of democratic and peaceful exercises to fight these issues and persuaded people to respect values like honesty and integrity instead of power and wealth. Pointing out that political parties are diverting public ethics through electoral mal practices.

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