SIMI Ban back in place

via HK published on August 6, 2008

Putting the irresponsible statements of central ministers and others to test the Supreme Court has stayed the lifting of the ban on SIMI by a Delhi High Court Tribunal. The Students Islamic Movement of India is a declared terror organisation by the Government of India. The Supreme court was acting on an urgent plea by the government.

India could have faced major damage and the campaign against terror could have seen major flip flops with the investigating agencies in a major embarassment. Justice Geeta Mittal of the Delhi High court had lifted the ban citing there was not enough evidence.

The SP and RJD had commended the order in public and even supported it. One congress leader even wanted to ban the RSS and the Shiv Sena instead.

SIMI activists have been blamed for many terrorists activites in the state. The laxity in the investigation by the Central government has been the main factor hindering the submission of proof in many cases. Even easy cases that can be solved by any police officer has been left open for want of proof. The ban was first imposed in 2001 and then renewed once again.

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