Silence of the Hindu Lambs being led to halaalified and Extreme-Unctioned Slaughter.

published on April 1, 2012

Qui tacet consentiere – that we are told by a Commentator, is Latin, and it means “Silence gives consent” to all Latin Lovers, like Q & Company paying Argentined visits to India-married cousins, before and after widhwahood.

“Speech is silvern; Silence is Golden” was a Connected Proverb dinned into the minds of young Heathens, in Missionary Schools, by Loving Sisters and Lovinger Brothers, teaching the young Heathen mind to Shoot Straight – and to transform those of them who did not Come to Jesus right away, into Aulaads of Macualay and brown British Perishers yearning for HOME. Those who could read between the lines of all that Early Days Biblical BS, understood that while Judas got only a few pieces of Silver for blowing Jesus’ whistle, Constantine got the whole Golden Holy Roman Empire along with a Cross in the Sky, and harlots for wives, for silently ditching his ancient Gods, Oracles, Soothsayers, Marble carvers, and hi-jacking the Compleat Jesus Corporation Ecumenically. The Blood of Jesus replaced Karma Cola, but his Resurrection was not allowed to be Replicated – not in Christianity; not in Islam.

Early Training in Doon Style Schools, Bride Finishing Schools, Groom-ing Schools and non-existent Universities in the West, which some of our Elite Dynasties patronise, brainwash all who enter their portals paying through their Baap’s noses, fill up Gaps with connected notions like keeping a Stiff Upper Lip when servicing a Client (very practical), Biting the Bullet to Maximise the Profit, Not Letting the Side Down while hoisting your skirts or dhoties up, not ratting on your Boss, Superior or King/Quaen. The Products of these cloacas train our IAS, IFS and Allied Services too. They have this Basic Instinct of Inferiority to the White Christians in all aspects, and cannot but think that whatever that White Man Christian Boss says you should do is the Unquestionable Truth on every issue of Human Values, Rights, Justice, Fairplay, but what He does is not be seen or commented, or Guantanamoed on.
We expand the Latin craphrase quoted (in the beginning was the Word . . .) above to “By remaining silent and not objecting YOU are giving your consent to Unacceptable, Illegal, harmful actions” which is what the Commentator meant when speaking of Manmohan Singh, Br.Anthony, and we should add a Galaxy of Stars in the UPA Firmament including Supreme Court Judges (Serving and/or Retired and planted in Commissions, Councils, or Appointed as Governors, Ambassadors etc. to Serve Low Causes), CECs, Ministers, Presidents, VeePees, Bobooze, etc.

But that is our Interpretation, and a very subjective, ignorant, un-civilised Hindu Fundamentalist one at that, and as filthy as Wendy Witchy Witzels claim our Scriptures and History to be.

We have Experts, Scientists and Expert-scientists, who are Hand Picked, anointed and/or Ordained as Eminent Persons on National Councils/Committees, who have proved to their and their Enlightened World’s satisfaction that Aurangazeep was not a bigotted mass murderer, fratricide, genocide etc but a devout, secular mussluman who built and endowed ever so many Hindu Temples; that Lord Rama and other Avatars are Myths; that Ayodhya is a place in Central Asia.

And all adults Concupiscently Consented.

Also Proven to the satisfaction of all Secular, Democratic and Enlightened Forces of Virgin Mary, Prophet Mahmood, Marx, and aulaads of Marx, Macaulay & Babar, is the Eternal Truth that The Original Jesus’ 12th Man Thomas founded and established Christianity in India, that Hinduism is a Breakaway Barbarian Faction of Thomasicks, that it was after 100 AD that all Hindu Temples were built by Grass Eating savages on destroyed Churches and Mosques built by St.Thomas, St.Francis, and Mohammed of Ghazni – which is why a Democratic, Secular Government passed unanimously and as rapidly as only a liberal dose of Mag Sulph can, a Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Act, and set up a multi-lakh-crore Hindu Fleecing Machinery all over India.

And all these adulterers Consented in Gold-clad Silence.

After India was cut off and Homeland/s for cutpricks was/were formed, more than a billion Hindus residing in the now shariat-shitted areas were butchered. And the whole Colonial Christian/Cutwa/Communist/Confucian peoples of the world, in all their Enlightened and Secular and Democratically Human Righted Glory Silently Consented – or Consented Silently – for an estimated five trillion US$ looted from Hindu India and shared according to their respective positions on Uncle Sam’s black-japanned Totem Pole.

Then Christians from USA, Australia, Norway . . . . etc & etc, infiltrated and took over the North Eastern Border States and the Coromandel Coast (where the early bumpkins do blowjobs for NGO Dollahs), killed or drove off Hindus and Tribals who refused to “Convert”, and the Secular, Democratic, Elected Government headed by half-cutwas and full & half christians, and Rootless anti-Indian Dynasties cheered loudly as their pre-paid elected representatives watched Silently, Consentingly and very Participatively.

99% of Christians in India sport Hindu names and Caste Names for public consumption, splash sindhoor on their foreheads, wear mongrel-mungall soothras, Hindu Dress, speak with the detested Brahmin Accent, and refer to their paedophlic, larcenous padiris as “Iyers”. And there is deadly silence from Hindu Gurus, who have taken to chanting “Kristhu, Ullah therey naam . . . .”, we all teach the Same Eternal Verities, so you may bugger us dry or wet, your choice.

Now THAT is another Mademoiselle from Consentieres, Ville Parley, hinky dinky Dilli do.
Acts, Laws and Budgets are passed in Parliament and lesser Houses for 99% Quotas, 100% Reservations, 100% Budget Allocations for Cutpricks, Cross-breeds, and Communits under their wings. This is butt-natural considering that the EVM-counting Majority in these Houses of Privileged Ill-repute and the Ministers comprises the Evil Trio of Cutwa-Crosstian-CommuNit, and is loaded three to one against Hindus.

What is surprising is the Silence of the Hindu Lambs being led to halaalified and Extreme-Unctioned Slaughter. Can only be attributed to Genetically engineered change caused by Spectral Radiations. Perhaps Pokhran mushrooms made holes in our Oo-zone Layers.

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