Shraddhaanjali to Swayamsevak Ratheesh

via HK Correspondent published on December 17, 2010

Sri Ratheesh, Shaka Karyavah of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Palghat, was hacked to death in a brutal manner by Marxists on December 1, 2010. He and two other Karyakarthas of the Sangh, who were travelling in a bus were dragged down from the bus and attacked with sharp weapons. Sri Ratheesh was a young and dynamic worker of Sangh in Palghat and the attack was to terrorize the Sangh workers.

Kerala Swayamsevaks in Bangalore held a Shraddhanjali function under the auspices of Samanvaya, to pay homage to the martyr in Sri Bharatamata Mandir at Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore, on Sunday, December 12, 2010. A Mrityunajaya Homa was held for his Aatmashaanti under the guidance of Sadhu Prof. V. Rangarajan, Spiritual Head of Bharatamata Gurukula Ashram. A special Mantra from Rigveda was invoked by Sadhuji—pra yajnaa etu aanushag adyaa, deva vyachastamah, strineeta barhir aasade—which means “Today let thy sacrifice march forward unceasingly, thy sacrifice that shall bring the whole epiphany of the godheads; strew thy seat of the soul that there they may sit” (R.V. 5.26.8). Sadhuji explained that the highest sacrifice that a Hindu could perform is the sacrifice of his or her own self for the cause of Dharma and Motherland, which will bring down the Gods and Goddesses and by making his or her soul the seat of the Gods, he or she will attain to immortality. Sadhuji pointed out that in the Bhagavad Gita also Krishna tells Arjuna that if the latter wins the Dharma Yuddha, he would enjoy the kingdom and if he gets killed he will attain the heaven. Ratheesh, by sacrificing his life for the cause of the Hindu Dharma and Hindu Nation, has attained to the highest state of immortality.

The Shraddhaanjali function was addressed by Sri M. Ganesh, General Secretary of Samanvaya and the Working Committee Member of Bangalore City RSS, Sri Prakash Raj also participated. A special Bhajan and Pooja to Sri Bharatamata were also conducted.

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