Shame on You, Narimaan

via Kalyanaraman published on July 24, 2008

Narimaan is way out of line when saying that no one can worship something that is destroyed. He is wrong.

Pilgrims go to Rama Setu to worship the monument. They remember their ancestors starting with Sri Rama. I think it is a waste of time to try to explain to Narimaan or Union of India that the worship is a tarpanam, a way of remembering that their identity is due to their ancestors, a way of worship to those aatman who have given such an identity to the pilgrim.

Pilgrimage is worship. Do you know, Narimaan that Skanda Purana says that the worshipper goes barefoo and chants ashtakshari and panchakshari — Om namo narayana and Om namah s’ivaaya while walking on the Setu? Setu ain’t destroyed, Narimaan. It exists and any pilgrim stand and walk on it in stretches. People crossed over to Talaimannar in Srilanka from Rameshwaram-Dhanushkodi walking on it as did Ashoka’s son, according to Mahavams’a. Why don’t you quote this, Narimaan, when you quote Kamba Ramayana? Do you know that in Kamba Ramayana, reasons are given for the breach caused by Sri Rama? Do you also know, Narimaan, that later, in Mahabharata Veda Vyasa says it is the responsibility of the people of those times to protect Rama Setu as was the responsibility of Setupati rajas of Ramanathapuram (then, Ramnad)? Or, is it a waste of time providing evidence to the learned counsel, Narimaan?

Let me tell you something, Narimaan. Pilgrims have tears in their eyes as they utter the sankalpam starting with Sri Rama Rameti, vyapohati nasams’ayah. Go find the meaning of this, Narimaan; you may get some glimpse into Hindu traditions of yore, instead of being counsel for atheists supporting a bogus government engaging in horsetrading of MPs. I don’t know about juristic ethic. It makes me sick that there are counsels indulging in suggestio falsi, suppressio veri. No pangs of conscience? What ignominy.

You are a lawyer, right? Then read the judgement on London Nataraja case. A Hindu temple is a temple for ever, Narimaan. It is a pity that UK lawyers are more compassionate than those who claimed and got aatithya in Hindusthanam. What a shame.

 A report also claims that Narmaan claimed in the court that he “shot down the demand for an Archaeological Survey of India study to establish if the setu was man-made or natural, saying the project’s critics could reject the findings on the ground of faith.” Why are you afraid of truth, Narimaan? Is it because you wanted to quote selectively from Kamba Ramayana? Or is it because, you had no answer to the 11-page judgement of the Madras HC? By bucking the issue, it will not go away nor will it enhance your reputation as a jurist, Narimaan.

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