Self defeating behaviours of Hindus -Time to think ; Time to Act

via Dr Babu Suseelan published on February 11, 2012

 Some phony liberals, Marxists, secular political leaders and cunning politicians often make self-inflicting, irrational and unwarranted pronouncements against Hindutva and those write or talk about reawaken India to the heritage we all share. These self-serving, corrupt politicians have no moral values to share or story or issues to ignite the imagination of the public.
The malice political discussion of blaming Hindutva have filled their life and colored their crazy imagination. These thinking errors are signs of a cognitive disorder, dementia, deliberate ignorance of reality, or self inflicting suicidal behavior of a disgruntled person. It’s about time somebody started to tell the dysfunctional leaders the hard truth about their irrational, unwise,untimely and disastrous pronouncements. We can choose to bury our heads in the sand like the proverbial ostrich and live in deep denial. We can even engage in empty grand-standing rather than confront the real problems of our very existence. The issues of denial, projection, irrational rationalization and defense mechanism of some of our leaders are real and need treatment to save Hindus. Sonia  and Rahul’s  recent expose have all the hallmarks of  frustrated, failed politicians or  avant-garde protagonisstof the dysfunctional secular  system that colonized Hindus for several years. Their  reasoning for the failure of Hindus,  is simplistic and devoid of rational analysis. Denial of Muslim terrorism, projection of their  cognitive disorder and the congress party’s  inability to confront Islamic fanaticism, and corruption,  and their  failure to create and emotional bond of the majority Hindus are some of the reasons for their  failure.

 Blaming the victims (Hindus) of Muslim terrorism is simply a manifestation of a very shallow comprehension of the Islamic menace and the cultural  genocide perpetrated by the marauding group. Preaching pseudo secularism  and blaming Hindus have been a self-gratifying pastime for political pundits for several years. Media, missionaries, leftist political ideologues, and congress leaders provide the moral platform that supported Hindu enslavement and disunity for several years. Mayavathi, Mulayam Singh Yadav, Manmohan Singh, Sonia and Rahul’s recent pronouncements  again misdirect innocent Hindus. Their  non-rational outbursts are mere rehash of the age-old confused logic about secularism. The eternal fact is that inability of the anti national congress  leaders to retain status and power is the underlying reason for such irrational thoughts. Such thinking errors and groundless remarks  therefore, unsustainable over time. It is a vain attempt to gain and retain power-a non-democratic political technique of consolidating their-group by stimulating hatred against nationalist-Hindutva groups. Their  hidden motive is to shift the blame for the incredibly costly policy of blunders and mismanagement.
 It’s time to stop the blame game. To ensure that such irrational blame game will not happen, a major effort must be made by Hindus around the world. Only by fearlessly proactive strategies can  ensure the survival of Hindus in India and abroad. However, while simple, it is not easy. It involves reversing the very  process that got us where we are. We  must individually and collectively participate in political decision making not passively but actively.
 In a democracy we have the power to choose. We have to decide where we are going to focus. It is time to think, time to  act.
In a free country, as Mr. Deiva Muthu has asked why Hindus are voting for the anti National Congress party? Why Hindus elect, sustain, and maintain corrupt leaders like Karunanidhi, Mayavathi, Samuel Rajsekhara Reddy, Sarad Powar, Mulayam Sing Yadev, Lalu Prasad Yadav, Chdiambram and Sonia?  Why do Hindus declare war on themselves through self-imposed destructive behavior patterns?
Time after time in the past several years, Hindus have poured their support over to the anti Hindu Congress party while the anti Hindu-corrupt political leaders have been looting Hindu wealth, wrecking destruction upon millions of Hindus. One would expect that in the face off those overwhelming blows at the hands of the anti national congress party, Hindus would oppose themselves stead fastedly to the death and destruction caused by the ani-Hindu, pro Islamist congress party. This shows that Hindus are not idiotic but have the propensity to join hands with our enemies in an attack on their own existence. This is a remarkable phenomenon worth exploring.
Hindus should join together and combact self-destructive behavior of Hindus. We need a reconstructive approach. The first step is to declare Bharat as a Hindu Rasthra.

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