Seeds for Ethnic Cleansing of Kashmiri Hindus sown in 1931 July 13th – Kashmira Vahini observed black day

published on July 14, 2014

Kashmira Vahini ,front line displaced Kashmiri Pandit women organization, observed ’13 JULY ‘ as ‘ BLACK DAY’  here at  Sanskriti Bhawan ,Jammu in which  large number of community members from camps and non-camps across the Jammu participated.The function ,chaired by it’s patron Smt Kirti Kalla ,was addressed mainly by  Dr Khema Kaul , smt Sudesha Kaul, smt Nirmala Ticku , Dr Ajay Chrangoo and Dr Agnishekhar.

Terming the 13th July 1931 as begining  of organised communal violence against peace loving Kashmiri Hindus in the Valley Dr Khema Kaul noted writer and national spokesperson Kashmira Vahini elaborately narrated  the actual facts concerning the disturbances of 13th July,1931 and the subsequent and simultaneous communal violence unleashed against  Kashmiri, Dogra and Punjabi Hindus living in Hariparbat,Ali Kadal, Maharajganj,Bohri Kadal,Safa Kadal, Nawa Kadal,Gunzkhud, Vicharnag,Kanikoot in Budgam and other places. She laid emphasis on inculcating the sense of history amongst exiled community in general and women folk in particular.She emphatically told the gathering  that without the conscientiousness  of our history of persecution  Kashmiri Pandits can not shape their fate and future. Terming history as an powerful instrument of geo-political struggle of Kashmiri Pandits in exile,she appealed the KP womenfolk to lend their massive support to ongoing  fight for separate homeland.

 Smt  Sudesha Kaul, chief co-ordinator KV, while expressing her shock and deep anguish over the untold atrocities committed on Kashmiri Hindus on this black day when as a result of the incident outside  the Srinagar central jail on this fateful day ,where one Abdul Qadeer of Peshawar, a cook of a Europian Military officer charged  of sedition before the court,was being tried,thousands of hooligans assembled and impeded business.The unlawful mob stormed the jail and the Magistrate ordered its dispersal which fell off and resumed to pelting stones and arson.Eventually twelve persons died who are being projected as martyrs. Hindu Shops were raided and looted.Bazar Streets were littered with property,Hindus were molested,some lost their lives and many suffered grave injuries.women were subjected to the worst possible cruelties and indecencies.

Smt Nirmala Tiku, Cultural secretary of Kashmira Vahini, while highlighting the need of giving the generation next a  ‘connect’ so that they do not get swayed by the false history and myth of traditional  brotherhood that is being projected by the so called secularists nowadays. Had there been the said  brotherhood existing in the valley then mayhem in 1931 on 13 july and religious cleansing of Kashmiri Pandits would not have happened in 1990.

Dr Ajay Chrangoo ,chairman Panun Kashmir while commenting on the communal intent of the July disturbances and its aftermath ,said it was loud expression of Muslim uprising against Hindu Dogra monarch and the organised communal violence against Hindu minority in Kashmir was part of it. Commenting upon the psychological  and socio – political   and historical dimensions of  behavioral pattern of the persecuted community of exiled Kashmiri Pandits ,he laid stress to keep fighting against forgetfulness and incomprehension of the genocide and religious cleansing that was perpetrated on  Kashmiri Pandits in 1990.

Dr Agnishekhar ,convener PK apprised the gathering that while the ongoing freedom struggle in rest of India was targeted against foreign British Imperialists,the local Muslim  uprising in Kashmir in 1931 was aimed to de thrown the Hindu Dogra King of the State The death destruction arson and communal frenzy against Hindus in Kashmir was indeed the warning for Kashmiri Pandits. He He said this communal warning and hatred has been existing there perpetually in the air.Appealing the exiled community not to forget their continued persecution and seven forced displacements in the past ,instead the racial memory and recent holocaust in 1990 should be the guiding force while responding to the return and rehabilitation in the Kashmir valley.He cautioned the exiled community against ignoring the recent religious Fatwas and venomous statements of the Jihadi separatist leaders af all hue.

Among other prominent prominent community members who attended the  BLACK DAY FUNCTION included Sanjay Dattatreya,Bihari Lal Kaul, Vijaya Saproo, Dr Veena kaul,Sushma Reshi,Meenakshi,Sarojni Dhar,Suniana Bhat,PK Upmanyu,Meenakshi Sidha,Raja ji Tikku, DK Kaul,Lenin JI Bhat, Avtar krishan,MK Dhar, Mohan Lal, Omji Bhat, OJ Koul,RC Kaul,SK Handoo,Ashtoush Kaul and T.N.Kaul.

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