Secular way of fighting terror

published on November 1, 2008

By Amithab Tripathi

Friday was an historic day for the politics of secularism in India when
this lobby first time got ammunition in their hands to fire with to
their adversaries. Was it some coincidence or some deliberate attempt
that when share market was performing really poor and besides all the
assurances from finance minister, Prime Minister and governor of RBI
collapse of share market was beyond control. When small investors were
in panic and people in India were all set to feel cursed at the holy
festival of Diwali suddenly Maharashtra ATS  came out with some startling revelations about the Malegaon blast which happened on 29th
of September 2008 in Muslim dominated areas in the month of Ramadan.
Maharashtra ATS also claimed that they have also cracked the conspiracy
of Modasa blast in Gujrat which happened at the same date. However
Gujrat police which is investigating this case has yet to come out with
some conclusions. Maharashtra ATS arrested three persons along with
Sadhvi or lady sage in connection to Malegaon blast. Maharashtra police
produced all three accused before a court in Nasik and they were send
to police custody for 3rd of November. This is first time in
the history of terrorism in India when some Hindus have been arrested
in connection to any blast. But what is more important thing is that
Maharsahtra ATS has not yet build case against them around terrorist
activities and they have been remanded under IPC acts. It is first
important thing which have to be taken into consideration before
jumping to any conclusion. After this development what is more shocking
is the propaganda war which is going on some TV news channels owned by
some Congress people or close to president of this party.


after arrests were made in Malegaon blast one emerging news channel
owned by influential Congress leader started debating Islamic terrorism
vs. Hindu terrorism. After this initiative other news channels followed
the same. For two to three days lot of developments took place and it
was tried from Congress and its allies to stamp Sangah Parivar along
with BJP as perpetrator and protector of Hindu terrorism which is
flourishing with organized network. The surprising thing was not the
arrest of Hindus for   Malegaon blasts what disturbs people the culmination of propaganda for Hindu terrorism to balance Islamic terrorism.


is the worst sufferer of terrorism after Israel and it is facing
terrorism for last 20odd years but in two decades terrorism has taken
different shapes. First it witnessed terrorism from Kashmir valley when
more than 3 lakh Hindus were driven out from valley with active support
of Pakistan and ISI and this cross border terrorism and proxy war took
ugly face when intelligence agency of Pakistan infiltrated in India
with active support of some secularist political parties to wage a
propaganda war of Jihad between gullible and vulnerable Muslims. Before
2006 terrorism in India was always defined as cross border terrorism
and term Islamic terrorism was not in use because Indian Muslims were
not the perpetrators of these ghastly acts as they were only protectors
and supporters of terrorism with providing logistical supports to
terrorist organizations based in Pakistan as LET, JAM.  Even
Before world witnessed 911 in America and terrorism was defined as
Islamic terrorism, India was the worst victim of terrorism as its
temples and parliaments have been targeted.


of 911 was an eye-opener for everyone as it given new dimensions to
definition to terrorism and aspirations to radical Islam. Radical Islam
converted itself into a mass movement from terrorism and all the
separatist and local Muslim militant movements synchronized themselves
into one broad mass movement with a goal to impose shariyat rule on the
whole world with Islamic superiority.


also witnessed this change and in last four years India has also tasted
the home grown Islamic terrorism with a goal to achieve what they have
lost or in other words to convert India from its Hindu majority status
to Islamic state. It has been stated clearly by fundamentalist and
terrorist Islamic organization SIMI in its constitution. Before 911
when Indian people were not exposed to Islamic nature of terrorism most
of the people were of the view that Kashmir insurgency is localized
problem and rest of India is free from radical Islam but radical
Islamic forces were building their infrastructure with help of
secularist political parties. When some Hindu organizations warned
people to this phenomenon these organizations itself were branded as
equal radical and fundamentalist.


2006 when Mumbai local train system was targeted by terrorists and it
was beyond doubt to security and intelligence agencies that who are
behind this terrorist act several Muslim organizations came out open
first time with a theory of atrocity on Muslims in the name of
investigation. Just after few days of this incident Islamic seminary
with few Muslim organizations organized a anti terrorist organization
in parliament annexie and representative of Indian government
participated in that seminar which got assurance from government that
dealing with terrorism Muslim sentiments will be considered and all
efforts will be taken to insure that in the name of terrorism no
community should be singled out. After this development Islamic
organizations, seminaries and Muslim opinion makers started building
pressure on government as well as security and intelligence agencies to
investigate every terrorist incident in the way that concept of
secularism and balance will be maintained. As former IB personnel and
counter terrorist expert B Raman has penned down in one of his articles
how he was told by some Muslim IPS officers after attacks on some
Muslim places in India that it is not possible for any Islamic
organization to target Azmer Sharif or Mecca Masjid. B Raman wrote this
article before Maharashtra police arrested Hindu lady sage in
connection to Malegaon blast. This article proved that Muslim officers
in bureaucracy are aware of the nature of blasts to distinguish between
Hindu and Muslim assailants. In last few years after every attack
Muslim society came out with theory of conspiracy and atrocity on
Muslims and condemned these terrorist attacks with some if and buts in
apologetic manner.


succumbs to this pressure and eying the elections in some states as
well as parliamentary elections it was important for ruling coalition
to win back the confidence of minority community and show them how
concern they are for their grievances. In this entire episode
unfortunate thing is how government with some of its allies has plotted
for comparative perception of Hindu terrorism vs. Islamic terrorism.
Even government and its agencies are aware of the fact that radical
Islam is the problem and it could not be fought with comparative
perception of Hindu terrorism. If some Hindus has taken arms in their
hands they should be dealt with legal procedure and nobody is going to
give excuse for them as Islamic apologists given all the time when any
Islamic terrorist was arrested in connection to blast.  But the most important question is if this is the way of fighting radical Islam then future of India is really dark.


the time being secularist forces and some political parties are very
happy to see that any Hindu has been arrested in connection to blast
but question still remained unanswered that does Hindu terrorism exist
and fighting to this comparative perception is going to solve the
problem of radical Islam.


Islam is a mass movement which has its aspirations, organization and
functioning style. Any mass movement has some strata to work with .when
mass movement starts it pick some section of dissatisfied people and
with propaganda make their mind according to ideology of mass movement.
With help of propaganda movement get able to create chaos in society
and puts pressure on state and system to come on negotiating table to
recognize their existence and in this process this movement infiltrate
in system with aspiration to take over state. When movement is able to
take over state it works on to propagate its ideology beyond the
boundaries of state and becomes ambitious to encroach some other parts
of the world. In last century we have witnessed few mass movements in
the name of fascism, Nazism and Communism and now this century is
facing the danger of radical Islam. Radical Islam has entered in second
phase of mass movement where it has picked dissatisfied people from
across the world and able to indoctrinate them with propaganda of
atrocity on Muslims. When America was attacked on 911 radical Islam
has a state in its hands also but in few years it is running with
ideology not with command centre and this is more dangerous trend.
Every nation in this world which has substantial amount of population
of Muslim is vulnerable to this mass movement of radical Islam. South
Asia in general and India in particular is the most vulnerable to this


years back our political parties and security experts were proud to
declare that no Indian Muslim has taken part in global Jihad but in
last few years we have witnessed evolution of radical Islamic movement
to our soil with the same aspirations as other global Jihadi forces has
but our response to this threat is more different from others. On the
one hand America and Europe handled this problem with ideological level
and defined this problem and put radical Islamic elements on notice on
the other hand Indian way of fighting terror is very much secular.
Indian government, secularist forces, leftist-liberal and Media
concentrated more on comparative perception of a ghost of Hindu
terrorism vs. Islamic terrorism to balance this war within boundaries
of concept of their definition of secularism. It is really surprising
that no other country other than India followed this path of counter
terrorism and America never thought of comparative perception of
Christian terrorism to balance Islamic terrorism and Israel never went
for Jewish terrorism to balance Islamic terrorism but out policy makers
are following a path which ultimately will culminate in communal
polarization of society.


political parties in India and their allies in media tried to create
impression everywhere that Hindutva organizations in India has a
systematic and organized terror network but investigating the Malegaon
blasts Maharashta ATS is unable to find any such network.  During
the investigation of Malegaon blasts investigating agencies seems too
much interest to show the people that Hindu terror network exist and in
this process they leak some selective information to media as whom they
have questioned, how many Hindutva organizations   are
under scanner but till date any substantial facts have not come out. It
raises some serious questions for political parties in India who in the
name of secularism compromising the security of nation with misguiding
people about root cause of terror. Even any naïve today will not be
going to believe that cracking down Hindutva organizations is the
solution of radical Islam.

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