Secular State Lands for Expansionism of Super Talibans

via Aron published on October 14, 2011

The Bihar ‘Bandh’ and ‘a Movement’ that came through the Phone- Rediff reported on October 12th the following ‘movement’ and its grand ‘Bandh’- that is an Indian tradition of lockups-

“All the business establishments remained closed and thousands of people came out in support of our demand,”

The protest it states was organised under the banner of Educational Movement for AMU Centre, which has its convenor and patrons.

The protest and ‘Bandh’ are not eyewitness narrative of an independent pressman-

Interestingly it tells us to read between the lines about this all business establishment shut down and hundreds protesting-as heard over the phone!

Maulana Asrar-ul-Haque Qasmi, the Congress Member of Parliament from Kishanganj, who is spearheading the movement, told over telephone.

So much for the credibility of news coverage- now let us look at what they are protesting against Nitin’s government that is a Coalition with BJP.

It is about demand on behalf of the Aligarh Muslim University for handing over a Secular Government property-that is some 300 acres of land.

‘Educational Movement for AMU Centre, which has its convenor and patrons-Three members of Legislative Assembly of Kishanganj and two from nearby Uttar Dinajpur district of West Bengal [ Images ] are also part of this movement, which came into existence a few months ago to protest against the Nitish-led National Democratic Alliance government’s lukewarm response to the proposal’ it informs dutifully us and we already have been warned all this scoop on a great peoples’ movement also comes through a voice over the phone.

So all we gather is there is a letterhead movement claiming support of 3 local Bihar MLs and  
it further alleges that “Opposition Rashtriya Janata Dal, Lok Janashakti Party and Nationalist Congress Party leaders alleged that the NDA government in Bihar is under pressure from the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh  to not allot the land”.

That should be no surprise being the queer secularism that they subscribe to, that should cheer for a Religious slanted educational enterprise- and the onlt real news we find here is that-

“The Bharatiya Janata Party and the RSS are opposing the demand for the centre in Kishanganj, a Muslim-dominated district in Bihar” RJD MLA Ahtarul Iman said.

Arm twisting by Super Taliban

An official of Amu is reported to have stated that the AMU vice-chancellor had ‘informed’ the Bihar government of Centres’ decision to open the AMU centre at Bihar and had ‘asked for a Single Plot of land measuring 250 -300 acres to begin construction !

Thats wonderful news – that AMU is also the channel for Centre’s dictations, directives and rejoinders regarding Centre-State Federal governance and not some Indian Administrative Service or Constitutional propriety of democratic administration.

We don’t fail to note the arm-twisting by an extra constitutional authority regarding what should be Centre- State communiqué and guarded by official secrecies act.

Now let us hear the grievance of this bullying- Bihar state acquired the demanded land in 3 parts-

Along Bahadurganj and Thakurganj Road some 7 Kms from Kishanganj- which is what they had demanded for its location- since being Mulsim dominated even by their own words.

“Since beginning, the Bihar government has been creating trouble regarding this issue,” a senior AMU official told

Only the Indian National congress will boast of being a Hyper Secular party with a Maulana or an Islamic cleric in the whole world.

In India Secularism is understood by Inverting dictionary definition.

The proposed expansion of the Aligarh Muslim University to the very length and breadth of Multi cultural India must be understood for what it means to such values of Secularism and Liberalism.

Especially the ongoing phenomenon of Radicalisation-

That is happening within this community inside Secular societies that leads to home grown Terror – we saw Senator King’s congressional hearings recently in America.

Religiously affiliated Education doesn’t help with that but rather destroys the Secular Multicultural psychology.

Firstly, the Aligarh Muslim University was the Alma Mater of Pakistan’s founding fathers and its Alumni went to run Pakistan as its Prime ministers and heads of the Army.

Historically this should be enough to show whether it promoted and resulted eventually in Unity and Diversity or Separatism and Radicalist Islamic thought.

Secondly, the AMU is run on governmental monies, that is secular Tax payer’s money –
But the way that funding is chosen to be spent is left to its autonomous discretion.

This means a Secular atheist has every right to object to his Tax payments to be spent on promotion of Islamic slanted education.

Which goes without saying when the Hindu who is called an Infidel, is to part his Tax money to fund such dubious educational expansion?

According to the Maulana –‘the RSS is behind withholding’ of this largesse of public property to the incubator -Taliban of Pakistan.

The agitation is reported exaggeratedly as hundreds turning up to demand for lands be handed for the start of AMU’s wings at Bihar’s Muslim dominated district.

The leader of this demand for governmental lands to be handed out to this Super Taliban is a Maulana – or Islamic Cleric- and a Congress Member of Parliament.

Less said the better regarding ‘Secular’ credentials of both.

Bihar’s Human Resources Minister P K Sahi has pointed out rightly that the University has been very cavalier in its compliance with University Grants Commission and Constitutional clearances-

“The Vice Chancellor is ‘doing politics’ over the issue and had not obtained the required sanction from President Pratibha Patil”.

The obfuscation of the diabolical role played by this seemingly Educational enterprise in the creation of much evil that is today Pakistan, has emboldened them to demand immediate compliance of their Expansionist project-

For Bihar government it seems is not being accused of refusal of grant of land, but just the parcelling of it in 3 parts and at another location than was demanded !

That is when the mandatory approval of a President who is already a visitor to that edifying enterprise is all that is now given as a cause of delay.

In other words – there are no other grounds to object such a ‘Secular’ Expansionism of that historic Nursery of Pakistan, and at a time Radicalisation is feared all over the world and need is for Secular Education- without Islamic or other tags, especially in the field of education that moulds young minds.

The Maulana Asrar-ul-Haque Qasmi laments –

But the State government acquired the required land in three separate parts (along Bahadurganj-Thakurganj Road, located around 6 to 7 km from Kishanganj), instead of making the land available in Katihar. Joining him in this breast beating is our secular clowns of Rashtriya Janata Dal, Lok Janashakti Party and Nationalist Congress Party leaders.
The Muslim minority being a holy cow and pampered constituency, the AMU has mulched this to boot waiving mandatory requirements every inch of the way since its inception- while other Universities are scuttled with Regulations.

This has enabled the Creative Fount of Pakistan to expand its scope and reach within India.
At an enormous 2000 Crore funding the Bihar wing of this enterprise is planned at the expense of Secular State’s Tax payers’ money.

All such Islamist foundations need to do is secure the seed capital- which Wahabi Saudis are ever ready with, and then demand both huge tracts of Secular State lands and Recurrent Funding.

With a Political dispensation that is ever solicitous to loosen Public burses of Treasury, at the hint of Islamist demands, so they could bag their mandates, AMU is demanding that Bihar flourish the Lands for its Expansionism of this Super-Taliban.


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