Scheming plotting Sonia and dancing Gandhi capped puppet Anna Hazare

via V Sundaram IAS published on May 31, 2011

Anna Hazare had declared from the house top soon after his Sonia Congress sponsored and Sonia Gandhi guided sham shadow Fast-unto-Death against the Alpine Italian corruption of Firangi Memsahib Sonia Gandhi and her reprehensible UPA II Government in the first week of April 2011 that “State chief ministers must learn from the work done by the chief ministers of Gujarat and Bihar”. Now after a period of less than two months Anna Hazare has somersaulted and declared in Ahmedabad on May 26, 2011: “Liquor flows like water in Gujarat. Corruption is everywhere in Gujarat”. The shamelessly corrupt Firangi Memsahib Sonia Gandhi had the Italian brazenness to declare during the Gujarat Assembly Elections in November 2007: “Narendra Modi is a Merchant of Death (mauth ka soudagar)”. What Firangi Memsahib Sonia Gandhi stated in 2007 is being repeated in a slightly different language by walkie-talkie fraud Anna Hazare today. Now Anna Hazare’s true colours have been openly and publicly exposed for all to see. I have no doubt that Anna Hazare is a whole-time agent of Firangi Memsahib Sonia Gandhi and her wholly-owned private limited company called the Sonia Congress Party. Anna Hazare also takes his hourly instructions to come out with different inconsistent, incoherent and foolish statements from time to time from the Sonia Chosen Quislings in the National Advisory Council which is a bed chamber body created by Firangi Memsahib Sonia Gandhi to undermine the structure, letter and spirit of the Indian Constitution in order to bring about the complete and transcendental destruction of the Ship of the Indian State.

As a keen student of European History, I am aware of the fact as to how the Roman Catholic Church was built on the ruins of the Roman Empire which the early Christian priests had caused to be wrecked from within using Quislings placed in carefully chosen strategic places of power and influence in the Roman Empire. Firangi Memsahib Sonia Gandhi’s chosen Quislings consider it a matter of unsullied honour to be her chattels and scullery maids in the National Advisory Council to assist her in her chosen Evangelical mission of torpedoing the Ship of the Indian State into smithereens.

The so-called social activists, NGO Leaders and other paratroopers (each with a private agenda of his/her own) surrounding Anna Hazare — Arvind Kejriwal,     Swami Agnivesh and Kiran Bedi — are all politically paid Mansabdars of the Mughal Empress and defacto Prime Minister Firangi Memsahib Sonia Gandhi. All these worthies are being deployed and manipulated by Firangi Memsahib Sonia Gandhi to counter the growing popularity and influence of Baba Ramdev — his Bharat Swabhiman Andolan in particular — in all the villages and town of India.

         Arvind Kejriwal                Swami Agnivesh                    Kiran Bedi

We all sing and dance to Sonia Madam’s tunes with “Secular” gusto and enthusiasm,
For us the impersonating Gandhi cap of Anna Hazare is incidental,
The supreme political patronage of the Firangi Memsahib is fundamental,
Nay, our only lifeline!

Now to come to the questionable integrity of Anna Hazare, which has been praised to the skies by many of the so-called social activists in the NGO’s (Neo Gangster Organizations!) during the last two months. Moreover, our fully gagged and paid media — more particularly electronic media like Times Now, NDTV, CNN-IBN, Headlines Today — have been waxing eloquent on the Gandhian virtues of Anna Hazare, his humility, his innocence, his honesty, his patriotism, his frugal lifestyle, his ethical and moral virtues. All these channels have taken particular care to hide from public view the findings of the Justice Sawant Commission in Maharashtra in 2005 against the corrupt practices of Anna Hazare.

I had already said this in my article on my blog on 22-April, 2011:

“The Justice Sawant commission was set up by Government of Maharashtra in 2003 “to probe into the allegations of corrupt practices and maladministration into matters of allegations of corruption against several state ministers and social activist Anna Hazare” clearly indicted the Magsaysay Awardee ANNA HAZARE. The report submitted on February 23, 2005, concludes: “The expenditure of Rs 2.20 lacs from the funds of the Hind Swaraj Trust for the birthday celebrations of Shri Hazare was clearly illegal and amounted to a corrupt practice.” (p 365)”

This very Anna Hazare with dubious integrity (I am not confusing his petty thievery with the gargantuan corruption of Firangi Memsahib Sonia Gandhi!) is being paraded throughout the country by Firangi Memsahib and her Congress Party like a performing monkey, with social activists like Arvind Kejriwal, Swami Agnivesh and Kiran Bedi boisterously acting as his trumpeters and drummers!

After the Jan Lokpal Bill drama, Firangi Memsahib Sonia Gandhi and her Islamic political advisor and known agent of Dawood Ibrahim, one who was a bar tender to one of the most dangerous smugglers on the West Coast called Sukur Narayan Bakhia, have jointly decided to use the instrumentality of the National Advisory Council to pilot a Bill called Communal Violence Bill to arrest all the Hindu Swamijis of India without any prospect of their getting any bail for a life time. Firangi Memsahib Sonia Gandhi, her private terrorist political party (nay, wholly-owned private business) called Congress Party and the so-called Civil Society Members of the NAC are plotting to usurp the legislative functions of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha under the Indian Constitution.

My esteemed friend and distinguished scholar and journalist Shri Krishen Kak has given a graphic description of the ongoing, creeping and lurid legal Coup de etat launched by the Firangi Memsahib Sonia Gandhi and her Civil Society henchmen and women. These are the stirring and incandescent words of Shri Krishen Kak:

“You get into an argument on the road or with a bank clerk or at the railway station or in a hospital or with your child’s teacher or with your college professor or……you get the idea?  Strong but parliamentary language is used.  You do not know the jati or dharma of the other person, nor is any reference made to it in the argument.  Turns out that the other person is, for example, a Muslim or a Christian (and you are a Hindu) and they decide to settle the argument in their own favour using that. 

Now read’s-Bill-would-land-Dikshit-in-jail.html .  
Dikshit may eventually get away with it, having money and being an MP.  You have not too much of one and are not the other.”
“It’s R.I.P. for you.”
 “No Government has acted so sternly against corruption like us”, concluded with “Therefore, of one thing we can be QED-clear: WHATEVER ELSE THE REAL PLOT MAY BE OF THIS MACHIAVELLIAN DRAMA, IT IS CERTAINLY NOT ABOUT CORRUPTION.”
“The Jan Lokpal Bill, the Communal Violence Bill, and many more such bills on the NAC anvil – what is going on?”
“Consider the following:”
“- the current Nehru-Gandhi government is widely perceived to be the most corrupt in independent India
– the Nehru-Gandhis are reliably accused of having amassed a (black money) fortune that is in figures that boggle the mind- Baba Ramdev is building up popular awareness about this and Dr Subramanian Swamy is taking Sonia Gandhi to court over this
– current electoral developments suggest the Nehru-Gandhis are seeing the writing on their political wall
– to retain their plunder, fleeing to Italy may save them but not their money
– to save their money, they need to retain political power
– they are doing this through the co-option of “Civil Society”
– the NAC has already taken over the “legislative” function of government, that, is drafting key legislation
– Nehru-Gandhi loyalists in the government are ensuring government focuses solely on its “executive” function, that is, executing through Parliament the legislation the NAC drafts
– already we see how the proposed Jan Lokpal Bill and the Communal Violence Bill transfer power from elected political representatives to selected “Civil Society” ones
– of course, there is, for the benefit of the gullible public, the show of a tussle between the two sides but, like the Hazare “fast-unto-death” carefully timed to start and end between two cricket broadcasts, it is just that, a show
– note how it just so happens that these NAC bills also aim at targeting/fragmenting the majority community
– “divide and rule”
– the rulers will be the Nehru-Gandhis and “civil society activists” propping each other up”
“This is the real plot of this machiavellian drama.  And, to borrow Smt Radha Rajan’s labelling, “idiot Hindus” refuse to see it!”

I would be failing in my public duty as a shamelessly open pro-Hindutva journalist if I do not offer my fervent salutations to Shri Krishen Kak, Smt Radha Rajan and Smt Sandhya Jain for having fully exposed the layer upon layer public fraud, dissimulation and deception of the Firangi Memsahib Sonia Gandhi, her specially picked Quislings in the National Advisory Council, Anna Hazare and the Civil Society Activists surrounding and using him.

All these three distinguished, fearless and totally selfless journalists seem to be giving us all — particularly the Hindus of India — this simple message: “One truth discovered, one pang of regret at not being able to express it, is better than all the contrived fluency and fraudulent flippancy in the world. The brilliant passes, like the dew at morn. Only the true endures, for ages yet unborn”.

Let the Arjunas of the world fight on, their actual numbers do not matter. The SARATHY will definitely guide them to a sure victory.

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