SC says Yes to screening of Da Vinci Code

via HK published on June 12, 2006

New Delhi :Supreme court today dismissed two petitions that sought a ban on  screening  The Da Vinci Code across theatres in the country.

The petitions were filed by the All India Christians Welfare Association, which had argued that screening the film was a violation of fundamental rights in the country.

But dismissing the petitions, the Supreme court said it has nothing to do with issues like banning works of this movie and is never a violation of any right.

Although to appease the Minority Christains several states, including Goa, Manipur, Nagaland,Tamilnadu,Andhra and Punjab have already banned the film.

The censor board of India had even went to the extreme extend to appease Christains by inviting a team of Christain leaders prior to screening.

Where all the movie had been screened, the response of public is good and it helped the viewers to get a clear picture about the  distorted history of Christainity.

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