Save lives on Indian Roads – Rationalise Traffic Rules (Petition)

published on June 8, 2014

Thousands of Indians meet unnecessary, untimely  and avoidable death on Indian Roads.    All this happens because of irrational Traffic rules and not only that, there is no respect or inclination to follow whatever rules are there, either by the subjects or by the law makers themselves.      

The latest death of Sri.Gopinath Mundeji in the National capital should be seen as a wake up call and necessary changes should be brought in the law and a wide campaign about Road safety should be carried out.  

Our Ministers and bureaucrats visit countries of the west and one would expect them to implement some good traffic rules they see there, in India.      In countries like, for example UK, which has more four wheelers, per capita, than India you will see, by and large,  smooth flow of trafffic, even without the intervention of Traffic Police.         This is possible by a simple rule – Traffic coming from right side gets priority (as India has right hand drive). Added to this, introducing a strict Point system of Licensing would go a long way in bringing sanity on Indian Roads.    

We call up on the Indian Govt. to implement similar rules  in India after a detailed study on the subject,  in a time bound manner.The new Govt. of Narendra Modi has certainly raised the expectations of the people of India. And we hope it will do something positive in this regards as Indians have lost the capacity to withstand this unending saga of ghastly death on Indian Roads.

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