Sarsanghachalak at Kollam Organiser Report

published on March 7, 2010

Biggest-ever show of Hindu might in Kerala
Centre has failed to tackle terrorism, protect citizens lives, says Mohan Bhagwat
Lakhs of Keralites come out to greet the new Sarsanghachalak at Kollam
Centre has failed to tackle terrorism, protect citizens lives, says Mohan Bhagwat

From S Chandrasekhar in Kollam

“Our borders are unsafe. China is intruding into India and firing, while Government of India is suppressing facts and playing hide and seek. Pakistan is pushing jehadis into India for blasts and jehadi strikes. Sikhs are beheaded. But Government of India has no stable or strong policy vis-a-vis China and Pakistan.”

THE 40-acre Ashramam Maidan in Kollam city on February 24 evening became a picture of Kerala’s Hindu might and patriotic spirit with over 1,00,000 disciplined RSS volunteers lining up in full uniform (purna gana vesh) to salute Sarsanghachalak Shri Mohan Bhagwat at the Prant Sanghik.

The event proved to be the declaration of resoluteness of Kerala’s Hindu mind to fight all cultural and political degradations and to work selflessly for the welfare of humanity and uphold forever the spirit of Hindutva.

Addressing the meet, the RSS chief, who was on his first visit to Kerala after becoming the Sarsanghachalak, reminded the swayamsevaks and Sangh supporters that the problems of the country could be solved only through the selfless power of Hindutva. “Only Bharat, with its basic philosophy of Hindutva, can show the right path to the entire world,” he said.

Despite being the biggest ground in Kerala, it was unable to accommodate all the swayamsevaks. Even after the Sanghik ended, a large number of swayamsevaks and Sangh-lovers, who had come in hundreds of buses, had to stand on the road, because the ground was full to capacity.

Mohanji said he visited Kerala as part of new Sarsanghachalak’s visit to all parts of Bharat-to spread the message of RSS.

The Sarsanghachalak said: “There is an accusation that Sanatan Dharma is Sanatan but not modern. But studies in several universities around the globe have revealed that the essence of Sanatan Dharma and Hindutva is post-modern. The major problems facing the world are extreme intolerance, selfishness and greed.”

Criticising the cultural degradation brought through westernisation of every aspect of life, the Sangh chief said: “Forces are working to bring the whole world under one religion, nation and ideology. Christianity which speaks the language of peace, love and service wants to Christianise the whole world. Similar is the case of Islam. Join us or be beheaded is the mantra. In the garb of globalisation and capitalism, nations with 6 per cent population are enjoying 90 per cent of world’s resources. China has destroyed Tibetan culture, established bases in Pak, Nepal and Sri Lanka and is now eyeing Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim. The 11th Hour at HBO channel shows how precarious the global agricultural and ecological position is, due to our wrong lifestyle and greed. Instead of using natural energy in rivers, sun and air, we are using stored energy like coal, uranium, petroleum leading to crises like global warming.”

“Our borders are unsafe. China is intruding into India and firing, while Government of India is suppressing facts and playing hide and seek. Pakistan is pushing jehadis into India for blasts and jehadi strikes. Sikhs are beheaded. But Government of India has no stable or strong policy vis-a-vis China and Pakistan.”

Coming down heavily on the tendency of the leading political parties to appease the minorities, Shri Bhagwat said the states in the country are vying among themselves to implement reservations. “Even courts say that the policy of reservation has been stretched too far. The very next day, the West Bengal government brings in a new reservation structure,” Shri Bhagwat said. “Special reservations and scholarships are given to non-Hindus. Terrorists are not hanged in the name of humanitarianism. But three generations of almost three lakh SCs/STs and who came to India from Pakistan have not been given jobs, houses, voter or ration cards.”

“Political parties are assisting the growth of sentiments that harm the basic unity of this country. They refuse to listen to arguments against the special status given to Kashmir. They appease the minorities in such ways that are not justifiable on the basis of any imaginable criterion. Those who keep on saying that all should unite make no efforts to build that unity,” the Sarsanghachalak said. “About five lakh Kashmiri Pandits driven out by jehadis are living a miserable life in refugee camps. Doesn’t a Hindu deserve humanitarianism?” he asked.

Hitting out at all the cultural and political ills the various kinds of invasions had brought to the Indian society, Shri Mohan Bhagwat asked all Hindus to devote themselves to the selfless mission of working for humanity. “They all say that unity is the basic need of the society. India alone has been able to grasp the true meaning of this unity, the relation between one and all, the relation between mankind and Nature,” he said.

Speaking against all kinds of extremism, including jehadi and the Maoist type, he criticised the government for being soft towards such elements. “Why can’t the government take a determined stand against extremism? Why does it show sympathy to such sections while the same sympathy is denied to the Kashmiri Pandits who have been wandering on the streets like orphans?” he asked.

“Those who pardon the anti-nationals are forgetting those who work for the unity of the country,” the RSS chief said.

Shri Bhagwat slammed all kinds of invasions-in agriculture in the form of Bt seeds, cultural amalgamations in the form of westernisation of lifestyle and economy-saying that India should understand its very basic strength of oneness that Hindutva has advocated. “Hindutva is universal philosophy, it is modern. India has to move ahead on the basis of Hindutva,” he said.

Even before Sun started rising on February 24, roads throughout Kerala were lined with thousands of vehicles sporting saffron flags. Their destination-Ashramam Maidan. En route food, water etc. were provided to the huge number of swayamsevaks at several points. By afternoon, hours before the Sanghik was to start, Kollam was immersed in saffron, khaki, white and black. Despite one lakh plus swayamsevaks and Sangh symphathisers pouring into the port city of Kerala, there was not a single traffic block or confusion, thanks to the Sangh efficiency. The swayamsevaks were drawn from more than 4,500 shakhas of the Sangh in the state. It was the largest Sangh Sanghik in the 70-year history of RSS in Kerala.

In a city decked in saffron flags, festoons and traditional coconut leaf decorations, thousands of swayamsevaks and ghosh vadaks heralded the Maha Sanghik by marching from the Anandavalleswaram Temple to the Ashramam Maidan on February 23. Thousands lined on both sides of the road to see the ghosh and route-march.

Arriving at 5.00 pm in an open flower-bedecked jeep, through the huge ocean of “Sangh Sakti”, Sarsanghachalak Shri Mohan Bhagwat proceeded straight to the massive 36-foot-high podium and participated in the Sarsanghachalak Pranam, dhwajarohan and prarthana. He also viewed yogabhyas by the huge number of swayamsevaks.

“Concerted efforts are on to crush Hindutva, ashrams and Hindu forces. “Look at Ayodhya, the Ramjanmabhoomi. Why Should the Hindus should keep on lamenting about building a temple for Sri Ram there? Why should they be waiting for the mercy of the judiciary for that?” he asked, adding Hindu unity is inevitable.

“Naxals and Maoists have launched attacks on poor Vanvasis. Instead of crushing them, Centre and states are playing blame games.”

“RSS affirms that the entire nation including Kashmir belongs to every Indian. We have to go back to our Hindutva roots, our Pranashakti. If we are strong, nobody will dare come near us. If Bharat becomes strong, there will be world peace. The whole world is looking to Bharat for spiritual uprise,” Shri Bhagwat said.

Concluding his speech, the Sarsangahachalak said RSS has grown in Kerala despite stiff opposition from all sides. He appealed to the society of Kerala to come close to RSS, study it and strengthen it for quicker pace to victory of Hindutva.

Prant Pracharak Gopalakrishnanji translated Mohanji’s Hindi speech in Malayalam. Prant Sanghachalak Shri PEB Menon, Kshetriya Sanghachalak Prof Vannirajan and Prant Sah-Sanghachalak Shri KK Balaram shared the special-raised podium with the Sarsanghachalak.

Other adhikaris on the stage included Shri Suryanarayan Rao, Shri Krishnappa, Shri Ranga Hari, Kshetriya Pracharak Shri Sethumadhavan, Kshetriya Karyavah Shri AR Mohanan, Shri P Parameswaran, Shri O Rajagopal, Shri Kummanam Rajasekharan and sages and saints of various ashrams.

Prior to Shri Mohan Bhagwat’s speech, RSS Kerala Prant Karyavah Shri P Gopalankutty Master introduced the dignitaries on the stage to the gathering while Prof V Ramachandran Nair, chairman of the reception committee, welcomed the gathering. The Sanghik was presided over by Prant Sanghachalak Shri PEB Menon. Leaders and office-bearers of fraternal organisations also took part in the event.

The Sarsanghacalak, on the invitation of the Press Club, met the Press at Press Club, Thiruvananthapuram, on February 25. Shri Mohan Bhagwat also inaugurated a meeting of leaders of various Hindu organisations of Kerala at Samskriti Bhavan on 25th evening.

Massive stage
A massive stage of 36 feet height was erected at the Ashramam Maindan for the Maha Sanghik. With two huge ramps, for entry from both sides, it had a seating capacity for about 200 persons, to accommodate Hindu leaders of various sections and organisations. In a raised portion on the massive podium with a huge backdrop of Vishwarupa of Maha Vishnu and Bharat Mata, sat the Sarsanghachalak and the Prant Sanghachalak.

Three sides of the huge podium and both ramps were decorated with paintings in Kerala mural style. The mural from Vedic times to the present, conveyed the message-“Stringent Organised Efforts Will Bear Fruit”. From Bhageerath, Sagar Madan, Buddha, Kurukshetra, Adi Sankara, Shivaji, Rana Pratap, Vivekananda to the present Ayodhya and Ram Sethu victories gave a bird’s eye view of Hindu samaj, over several yugas.

The bhagwa dhwaj was hoisted in the middle of a huge artificial pool filled with lotus flowers.

An exhibition on the theme “RSS Interventions in Kerala Society” was evolved and shown in different parts of Kollam as a prelude to the Maha Sanghik. The exhibitions attracted lakhs in Kollam and the Ashramam Maidan.

RSS agitation during EMS-led Ministry for rebuilding Tali Temple destroyed by Tipu Sultan, Nilakkel Church removal, Pope Podium removal, RSS seva work during calamities, Vanvasi Kalyan Ashram’s work in Vanvasi pockets, resistance to CPM goondaism, resistance to conversion efforts by Christians, Muslims etc., were the highlights. The growth of RSS, withstanding heavy resistance, was also displayed.

Slides were also shown on the theme from “Amarnath to Ram Sethu”. The RSS agitations for Amarnath pilgrims, Ayodhya agitation and Ram Sethu protection were also displayed. The role of Pazhassi Raja, Velu Thampi Dalawa, Adi Sankara, Sree Narayana Guru, Vidyadhi Raja etc in Kerala’s society were also visualised.

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